Despite smoking and drinking from the age of 7, he is active, looks well and decades younger than his age and is britains oldest worker. Here is a short video interview from the show "doctor doctor" on channel 5 here in the UK every weekday morning. He was also in the news recently for fighting off three people who hit him to the floor. He got up and kicked them in the groin and they ran away.
He also would like to live to 150 if he could.
I've also updated my previous post by adding the video "the oldest people in the world" - It is 45 minutes long and quite interesting.
I've also updated my previous post by adding the video "the oldest people in the world" - It is 45 minutes long and quite interesting.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Gluten-Free Vegan Blueberry Muffins
Gluten-Free Blueberry Muffin Recipe (with vegan option)
Based loosely on my tried-and-true favorite Sour Cream Blueberry Muffins, this updated vegan and gluten-free recipe is wheat-free, egg-free, dairy-free, soy-free, nut-free. How's that for allergen-free goodness?
Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Line a 12-muffin tin with paper liners.
Whisk together in a mixing bowl:
1 1/4 cups sorghum flour
1/2 cup GF buckwheat, GF certified oat flour, or millet flour
1/2 cup potato or tapioca starch
1 cup organic light brown sugar, packed
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons xanthan gum
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon allspice
Add in and combine:
1/2 cup organic applesauce
1/2 warm vanilla rice milk
1/3 cup organic coconut oil or Spectrum Organic Shortening
2 teaspoons bourbon vanilla extract
Energ-G Egg Replacer mixed for two eggs
If the batter appears too dry, add more rice milk, one tablespoon at a time.
If the batter is too thin and wet, add a little extra rice flour, a tablespoon at a time. Humid weather can make flours damp.
The batter should be slightly thicker than wheat based muffin batter.
When the batter consistency looks good, gently stir in:
1 heaping cup fresh or frozen organic blueberries (still frozen, not thawed)
Spoon the batter evenly into the twelve baking cups. Sprinkle a little organic brown sugar on the tops if you wish.
Bake in the center of the oven for about 25 to 30 minutes if using frozen blueberries, until the muffins are golden and dry in the center (check with a wooden pick). If using fresh blueberries, cut back on the baking time and check for doneness at 18 to 20 minutes.
Cool on a wire rack very briefly, then tip the muffins out of the pan and place them on a wire rack to continue cooling (this way, they don't develop soggy bottoms).
These are oh-so-yummy warm from the oven.
For future snacking, wrap the muffins individually in foil, then freeze in a big zip-freezer bag. Thaw at room temperature or briefly re-heat in a microwave for thirty seconds.
Yields one dozen muffins.
Note- If you prefer using eggs, use 2 free-range organic eggs, beaten.
Recipe Source:
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Saturday, August 25, 2007
8 (More) Random Factoids
Will Patton photo by Mark Williams © 2007
Some time ago I participated in the Ten Things You Never Knew About Me meme. Since then I've been asked- perhaps a dozen times- to join in the Eight Random Facts About Me meme, and when Isaiah of Gluten-Free Bay e-mailed me, Tag - you're it! I knew it was time to give in, kick off my flip flops and jump in feet first.
Eight More Random Factoids::
1. Will Patton and I bonded over a hat. And an off-the-cuff dialogue edit on the set of Steve's movie The Canyon.
2. I curse like Rene Russo in Get Shorty.
3. My Irish grandfather once hid his bookmaking book in my crib. I was in it at the time. He was hiding it from the police who were searching the house. The female officer assigned to keep an eye on my mother and me evidently bought my whole wide-eyed innocence act. After all, you don't expect a toddler to be holding.
4. While Kelly at Celiac Chicks once got on stage at a Chris Isaak concert, I barely escaped fisticuffs at one of Chris Isaak's
5. Leonard Cohen
6. I eat chips and salsa in bed.
7. When Warren Zevon
8. My fantasy dinner party would be to invite Lauren Bacall
If any of you Dear Readers who blog want to join in and post your own 8 Random Facts- don't be shy. We don't stand on ceremony here at Casa Allrich. Kick off your shoes and confess your own juicy tidbits.
(Note: comments are now closed.)
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Spaghetti Squash New Mexican with Black Beans + Lime
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Cumin and chili roasted spaghetti squash ready for black beans and lime |
This is not your typical spaghetti squash recipe. Rather than using the squash as a mere substitute for pasta with red sauce, this recipe combines strands of spaghetti squash with Southwestern-inspired ingredients such as black beans, lime juice, tomatoes and roasted corn.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
The oldest people in the world
Today I just managed to catch a documentary called "The Oldest People In The World". Daisy Asquith meets centenarians from all over the globe and discusses the reasons for their longevity. I have the program recorded and may upload it at some point.
From watching the program a few things become quite clear. Centenarian men in the documentary were far healthier at the same ages as the women cents... They were more active, looked more healthy and younger, and they all wanted, desire, to go on living for as long as possible. The majority of the female centenarians were very frail, in wheelchairs, and all but a few wanted to die. However there were two female centenarians that seemed quite happy to live on... one of them was a seventh day adventist named Marge. She never smoked, never drank, exercised on her bike everyday, lifts weights a few times a week and keeps active. You can see an article on her here
There wasn't really much to learn about the secret of long life from the centenarians. All lead different lives, and nothing consistent about their lifestyle. But what if the centenarians (who probably had good genes) all lead a healthy life style. It seems that they might have been in far better health at 100+, or not, thats just speculation. But we do know that even with good genes, doing things like smoking, eating bad foods still can't be good.
One thing some of them wanted back was youth, to be young. If they had that, then I have no doubt they would like to continue living.
Heres the video, enjoy :)
From watching the program a few things become quite clear. Centenarian men in the documentary were far healthier at the same ages as the women cents... They were more active, looked more healthy and younger, and they all wanted, desire, to go on living for as long as possible. The majority of the female centenarians were very frail, in wheelchairs, and all but a few wanted to die. However there were two female centenarians that seemed quite happy to live on... one of them was a seventh day adventist named Marge. She never smoked, never drank, exercised on her bike everyday, lifts weights a few times a week and keeps active. You can see an article on her here
There wasn't really much to learn about the secret of long life from the centenarians. All lead different lives, and nothing consistent about their lifestyle. But what if the centenarians (who probably had good genes) all lead a healthy life style. It seems that they might have been in far better health at 100+, or not, thats just speculation. But we do know that even with good genes, doing things like smoking, eating bad foods still can't be good.
One thing some of them wanted back was youth, to be young. If they had that, then I have no doubt they would like to continue living.
Heres the video, enjoy :)
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Gluten-Free Oatmeal-Quinoa Breakfast Bars
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Gluten-free oats and quinoa flakes make a tasty breakfast brownie. |
Good morning! A brownie for breakfast? This recipe says, Yeah, Baby.
It's been bright and hot and here by Black Mesa. We've been tossing cool salad greens in olive oil and vinegar and stirring simple stir-fries. Nothing blog-worthy.
The biggest news I have to share is that we got to see a rough cut of The Canyon. Very rough. No soundtrack or color correction. It was an odd experience. The fun aspects: Yvonne Strahovski
kicks ass. She engenders the character of Lori with the heart of a lion. And then there is the sly and talented Will Patton
in a role unlike any you've seen him portray. I loved every minute he was on screen. The not so fun? All the lines cut and altered by a certain third actor's ego. It was a complex stew of pride and disappoint to see the rough cut.
This whole process has been surreal. I am so proud of my husband. Even if it isn't a perfect film.
This whole process has been surreal. I am so proud of my husband. Even if it isn't a perfect film.
Read more + get the recipe >>
Thursday, August 16, 2007
SENS conference
Haven't blogged in a little while because things have been going generally ok, and nothing exciting has happened since. However, I MIGHT be going to the 3rd SENS conference from the 6th-10th September. I wasn't initially going to go because the cost of registration was so high at over 500 pounds, and from the talks listed for them days it's well worth it. I did receive an email from Aubrey yesterday offering a place for a little less than that, something that wouldn't bankrupt me for the next few months... but I've gotta call my manager tomorrow to see if I can get lots of hours to pay for it. Paying to go wont be the problem, the problems are a) I don't go this far out on my own b) Getting there, without getting lost. I would probably have to take a train which would take me from Cardiff train station to Paddington in London, from there I'd have to take a tube to Kings Cross, and then from there take a train to Cambridge. Haven't emailed Aubrey back on the offer to sign up to attend SENS3, but it's very good one and I'm going to really try go if I can. Over the next couple of days I've gotta see if it's realistic at all given the time I have left to organize travel (no car), find a place to stay, get lots of work (hasn't been any in over a month), and then build the courage to actually go to Cambridge on my own. I usually go with friends to London, but thats different, If you're lost its not that bad as when you're on your own lol.
Here is the program
Looks very interesting!
Here is the program
Looks very interesting!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Grilled Veggie Kebabs on Dirty Rice
Grilled summer vegetable love. It's dead obvious I have a few passions. Color is a big one. I search for color with an appetite that rivals my hunger for fresh vegetables. And they happen to be my number two. Passion that is. At least when it comes to cooking.
Roaming farmer's markets and organic produce aisles is my idea of a good time. It's as sexy to me as a candlelit date on Saturday night. Seriously.
I'm that easy.
Read more + get the recipe >>
I'm that easy.
Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s Search for Biological Immortality
A good article over at L.E interviewing Sanjay Gupta on his book "chasing life", he also mentions now that he has himself cut back on his calories after his research.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Secrets to longevity
I haven't put this up on my blog yet, so here it is. Dan talks about 3 cultures of longevity and summarizes them.
Peter pan of pop?
This morning I was watching GMTV and this women came on mentioning diets and how to eat properly. I just caught the end of it but they were talking about how some people only eat one meal a day to try and lose weight... the Dietician said that it was a bad idea, and I can see why... but the evidence suggests that it may actually be good for you. Intermittent fasting is known to extend lifespan in rodents and possibly humans also. Then the presenter mentions a few people who also eat only one meal a day and are quite slim, one of those was Sir Cliff Richard.
I assume that most of you know who he is? Well he has always been thought to look very young for his age, and described as the 'peter pan of pop'. He has been questioned about how he still looks so young for his age numerous times. He's around 66 years old right now and for his age he is doing very well IMO. In interviews with the BBC he has stated that he has only eaten ONE MEAL a day for 35 years. He eats a diet with loads of vegetables, fruit, meat and fish and takes mutlivitamins to get good nutrition. So here is just an example of a guy who is possibly doing some form of CR or IF lifestyle in a good way, and clearly showing benefits. Others that follow 1 meal a day are prince Charles and Des O Conner (who at 75 looks quite good for his age). Although I don't know the length these have followed the diet. Here are just POSSIBLE examples of CR/IF in people who have more of an incentive to look well and young for longer. Thats why I say that CR or IF might have been done for years by actors, models, tv presenters, and of which some may have also eaten quite healthy, and some not. Pure speculation I know... but it's fun to speculate sometimes.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Face book and myspace
I forgot about this... Here is both of the above - search for "matthew lake" and I'll see me on there.
Feel free to add. - search for "matthew lake" and I'll see me on there.
Feel free to add.
noooooooooo ! ! !
My knee :(
I went running this morning at around 4:30am and I could tell how much my fitness level is improving still. Then I runs up to the other gate in the park and find that it has been locked, and there was some random horse tide to a tree with no owner near... Anyway I made my way back around to the other entrance and because it wasn't exactly the best visibility and I hit my left knee on the bar which stops bikes from getting into the park. I've smashed this knee against things maybe 3-4 times in the exact same spot a few months back... although there is no serious pain, it's kind of annoying because it was finally feeling back to normal over the last couple weeks. Now it just hurts when I walk up stair, or getting up from the floor. So do I wait until it heals to carry on with yoga? I mean, If it was serious then obviously it would be really painful, which it's not as I can still run fine...
And the second bad news is that my place on the course I needed to do to get was declined, and the person that did not accept my place on the course was the tutor that had a go at me right at the end of college year, she clearly did not like me and thought I was naive. But I was just being confident for once in my life... maybe that was a bad thing... or it is probably to do with my last years attendance, even though I had GOOD reasons for being off (and still passed and got high test marks). But there are other routes to where I need to get to, and almost as fast, but might make it a bit more difficult because of education and work, and trying to find suitable times. My tutor did send with the letter some other courses that she thinks might be suitable for me. So I have passed the course, but this is just a small setback. It sucks that the dental infection I had totally screwed up things for me though. But I'm persistent and I will achieve my goals. Still got thousands of years ahead anyway :D
I went running this morning at around 4:30am and I could tell how much my fitness level is improving still. Then I runs up to the other gate in the park and find that it has been locked, and there was some random horse tide to a tree with no owner near... Anyway I made my way back around to the other entrance and because it wasn't exactly the best visibility and I hit my left knee on the bar which stops bikes from getting into the park. I've smashed this knee against things maybe 3-4 times in the exact same spot a few months back... although there is no serious pain, it's kind of annoying because it was finally feeling back to normal over the last couple weeks. Now it just hurts when I walk up stair, or getting up from the floor. So do I wait until it heals to carry on with yoga? I mean, If it was serious then obviously it would be really painful, which it's not as I can still run fine...
And the second bad news is that my place on the course I needed to do to get was declined, and the person that did not accept my place on the course was the tutor that had a go at me right at the end of college year, she clearly did not like me and thought I was naive. But I was just being confident for once in my life... maybe that was a bad thing... or it is probably to do with my last years attendance, even though I had GOOD reasons for being off (and still passed and got high test marks). But there are other routes to where I need to get to, and almost as fast, but might make it a bit more difficult because of education and work, and trying to find suitable times. My tutor did send with the letter some other courses that she thinks might be suitable for me. So I have passed the course, but this is just a small setback. It sucks that the dental infection I had totally screwed up things for me though. But I'm persistent and I will achieve my goals. Still got thousands of years ahead anyway :D
Monday, August 6, 2007
Gluten-Free Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
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Crunchy golden gluten-free oatmeal cookies. |
Spectacular! Spectacular!
No words in the vernacular. In all my six-plus seven-plus eight-plus years of living gluten-free, this is the tastiest damn cookie yet. And- lucky for those of us living also dairy-free and egg-free- it's a vegan recipe, to boot.
After combing through all my pre-GF cookbooks this weekend to find some baking inspiration I decided to create a gluten-free egg-free version of a classic oatmeal raisin cookie. And Babycakes, am I glad I did. This bumpy crunchy golden cookie is pleasantly crisp on the outside with a hint of chewiness in the center. After two days stored in the fridge (tightly wrapped) the cookie is still quite good. Your tenacious gluten-free goddess is one happy camper.
With cookie crumbs dotting her keyboard.
With cookie crumbs dotting her keyboard.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Skinny Celebrities
I caught 3/4 of a program on UK Living earlier tonight where it discussed a few Skinny Celebrities and they had an 'anti aging' doctor on there who gave a calculation of how long they will all live. Some clearly admitted they had eating disorders but some did not, and claimed they were eating a healthy diet. But I would bet there are a few that are just eating really healthy and working hard to maintain a low body weight. Compared to the rest of the population that are continually shouting 'anorexic' at them, I bet a few are probably very healthy, and healthier than the majority of people their age. The anti-aging doctor Mario Kyriazis basically says that these skinny celebs will have lifespans that are around 50 years. He gave a life expectancy for Victoria Beckham of around 55 years. He said that be eating less and being skinny it would accelerate the aging process. Sure, we know that malnutrition is bad, but what we don't know is what EXACTLY do some of the celebs eat, maybe some of them do have proper nutrition and are in great health, then they're forced by the media to gain their weight back due to anxiety from the attention they're getting.
The attention I got from family and friends was huge when I hit my lowest weight with a BMI of 16.4, even TWO of my doctors said I was very healthy. I even said to them "How do you feel about my weight, Do you think I should gain some". They both said I was fine, and very healthy. This calmed my nerves a bit, but the stress I got from others moaning at me saying I was ill was quite immense. Now, no one says anything, in fact, just the other day some one said "he's not that skinny, i've seen much more skinny people" wow thats a first for me. Although I have gone up to 110 lbs and now stable weight again... maybe there is a different people can see. I'm happy anyway because I'm eating the exact same calories.
Curiously I went to google and typed in that doctors name, I then added 'calorie restriction' and found that HE himself recommended calorie restriction. Was he just paid by the production company to say what they wanted him to say?!
Anyway, rather than focusing on people being on the thin side, I think it's quite obvious that we have a MAJOR health disaster in the form of obesity going on. The media needs to stick with that.
note; Skinny don't always mean CR'd, but you can bet that skinny models, actresses and so on are probably CR'd. Whether they have good nutrition or not, I don't know. But most of time the media doesn't either.
There are celebs that do look quite good for their age, here is one and I think she is really hot in this video, even though she is actually around 38 years old! She is a size 4 apparently, so quite small, and has been 'dieting' for the majority of her life, and she eats very healthy and works hard to stay in good shape she says. Although she says she eats a cookie or something small everyday. You can see the results too, she looks at least 10 years younger or more, and very healthy. Plus this song is quite cool :D This is not saying she is on a 'CR' diet, but they have more incentive to keep looking good with diet. Eating a good diet usually leads to eating fewer calories.
The attention I got from family and friends was huge when I hit my lowest weight with a BMI of 16.4, even TWO of my doctors said I was very healthy. I even said to them "How do you feel about my weight, Do you think I should gain some". They both said I was fine, and very healthy. This calmed my nerves a bit, but the stress I got from others moaning at me saying I was ill was quite immense. Now, no one says anything, in fact, just the other day some one said "he's not that skinny, i've seen much more skinny people" wow thats a first for me. Although I have gone up to 110 lbs and now stable weight again... maybe there is a different people can see. I'm happy anyway because I'm eating the exact same calories.
Curiously I went to google and typed in that doctors name, I then added 'calorie restriction' and found that HE himself recommended calorie restriction. Was he just paid by the production company to say what they wanted him to say?!
Anyway, rather than focusing on people being on the thin side, I think it's quite obvious that we have a MAJOR health disaster in the form of obesity going on. The media needs to stick with that.
note; Skinny don't always mean CR'd, but you can bet that skinny models, actresses and so on are probably CR'd. Whether they have good nutrition or not, I don't know. But most of time the media doesn't either.
There are celebs that do look quite good for their age, here is one and I think she is really hot in this video, even though she is actually around 38 years old! She is a size 4 apparently, so quite small, and has been 'dieting' for the majority of her life, and she eats very healthy and works hard to stay in good shape she says. Although she says she eats a cookie or something small everyday. You can see the results too, she looks at least 10 years younger or more, and very healthy. Plus this song is quite cool :D This is not saying she is on a 'CR' diet, but they have more incentive to keep looking good with diet. Eating a good diet usually leads to eating fewer calories.
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