First of all I should introduce myself! I live in the united kingdom in a country called Wales. I live like right by the capital city, so away from the poor areas of the country. I am a student doing an access course in science, which I hope gets me a place in medical school, and if not, biomedical science degree! -- So I can help in the effort to cure aging. I think Aubrey De Grey is awesome! He's such an amazing guy for getting the message out there, travelling all over the place talking at conferences and getting more people to listen. He has a good plan too! See his website here:
I should first thank the people that got me involved in CR, April Smith for the help with getting CR started and pointing me in the right direction, and Michael Rae (MR) for all the help on supplements - thank you!!! :)
Ray Kurzweil also for the books he has written. Age of Spiritual Machines was the first book I had read, fully. He got me interested in technology, the future, and made me very optimistic. If he's right, the 21st century and beyond will be very interesting!
I am 5ft 7" 108 lbs and have been doing CR for just over 20 months, but I've been eating healthily since I was 18. I actually started being a bit more conscious about the foods I eat before I found out about CRON. I was regularly having fruit on my cereal, stopped having sugar in my tea, and just avoided junk food on and off for at least a year or so before CR -- and this led to a bit of weight loss but it couldn't have been too much because I've always been quite thin (i'll get a picture up of me when I was younger sometime). So making better food choices started around 18-19 and my CRON diet started when I was 20.
I frequently get people thinking I am around 15-16 years old, but I'm 22. When I was 16 people thought I was about 11 years old! So perhaps I have good genes? I hope CR keeps me young for a long time!
Me at 22
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