I've been installing all my games over the last few days, one game in particular I was looking forward to seeing with my new computer, and that is a game called "oblivion". Unfortunately I haven't got access to my old game files on the other hard drive until I can get a drive bay thing so that I can take all the files off the hard drive. But the game oblivion is so addictive, I could live in that world! It's simply beautiful world, the environment is absolutely huge and you could literally spend hundreds of hours on it as there are so many things to do. I was just walking around inside the game for half hour or so, shot some arrows at a few animals and just looked at the scenery. I have a video recording software called Fraps, so I'll probably make a small video or something sometime. Here are a few screen shots from the game. The new graphics card has shader 3.0 too and this enables something called (HDR) which makes lighting a bit more realistic.
When you're playing a game like oblivion , hours seem like minutes. I started oblivion up around 2am, it's now 3:52am as I type this, and it only seems like I had been playing it for half hour! I know I have to limit gaming time and not get too addicted =/ E3 just happened the other day and there are some impressive games coming out, which I'm sure will distract me a lot over the next year! I can obviously see how attractive virtual reality will be in the near future, especially with new technologies that will enable full virtual reality. Thats where I feel most people will spend their spare time, and possibly even have jobs in VR environments.
Games are getting more realistic all the time, if anyone has seen some of the new stuff coming out like Crysis, it's just mind blowing. It looks so life like its incredible!
Here is a good video showing the game Oblivion. it's a bit blurry of course because of the compression, but open it in full screen to see properly by going to the link HERE or just watch below (although it much better in bigger screen by going to that link and clicking full screen on the bottom right corner of the video player interface)
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