Slug attacK! Last night I went outside about 11pm and found quite a few slugs attached to my spinach leaves. It seems they not gonig for my broccoli plants, just the spinach. So over the next few days I really have to find a solution for this, many of the leaves now have holes in them lol. I should have really sorted this out sooner but will find something to keep them away! When the spinach is ready to harvest can I eat the spinach leaves that only have small hole in? If I wash them properly of course?
The broccoli plants clearly need spacing more, I think i'm going to just about be able to fit 5 into that box but a lot more in the other one.
Carrots, well not much to say about these really. Starting to take on a different appearance now than that of just grass.
And my best plants are the cherry tomato plants. Soon to find their home in the garden at the end of May, i'm leaving them out until the evening at the moment for them to get used to slightly colder temperatures. They look very healthy.
The strawberry plants are finally starting to grow a bit faster. They took a very long time to get started, slowest plant I've ever seen grow! Pics of them next week :)
I have some miracle grow that I picked up from the supermarket the other day. I have yet to use it. Does anyone else use this and how have they found it? A big difference in plant growth?
Anyway I'm off right now to start picking out some of the weeds that have grown in the boxes!
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