A challenge to make your voice heard.
I’ve always loved to share my opinions, to argue, even. Really. Just ask my family and friends. And since starting this post in May, just 4 months ago, I realize how much I also enjoy writing. But writing with little response is a bit of a challenge for me. Don’t you like getting feedback? Fortunately, my patients, many of whom read this blog regularly, are not shy to speak up. I rely on the responses as a compass, to keep me directed, to know which topics need addressing, what misinformation out there in the media needs correcting. It helps me know which posts might be triggering and what to avoid stating, and to know what you’re struggling with.
Yet so many of you are out there reading this so quietly, without a peep!
At the time of this post, you have visited over 3,200 times. Over 1,200 individuals have visited, and 62% of you have come more than once. You come from all over the map, from 46 countries so far, and increasing daily. After the US, the greatest number hails from Canada, the UK, and Australia. But you visit from Austria to New Zealand, Russia to Chile. The Americans that read in greatest numbers are from Massachusetts (no surprise here), New York (but interestingly my mother in Brooklyn hasn’t visited) and California. All US states have had visitors except for North Dakota and Delaware. Go figure!
You already know a bit about me—my style, my philosophy about eating, my non-diet approach to eating well. You know by now I love the outdoors (perhaps because I was raised in the city), being active, and challenging myself. I do not have an eating disorder, though I have experienced disordered eating when in my teens and twenties. I do have MS, which I see as a great excuse for soaking up every bit that life has to offer, and not waiting until it is too late. And I love to travel and look for every excuse to do so. And to explore the cuisine.
So I challenge you to post a comment on this and other upcoming pages. Please don’t be a stranger! And let me know your thoughts about the blog content.
I don’t hope to get famous doing this or to make money. But I do intend to change people’s lives, one post at a time. Not too much to ask, is it?
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