1) I'm down in the Winter/I keep getting infections/I have allergies/I have aches & pains.
2) I'm up & down a lot.
3) I'm down/anxious/I can't sleep/I get restless legs/cramps/menstrual cramps/muscle spasms/migraines.
4) I've got inflamed or painful joints/skin/guts/lungs/whatever.
5) Ooh! It makes me so mad!
1) Vitamin D insufficiency/deficiency is widespread by the end of Winter (~90% of people have serum 25(OH)D less than 75nmol/L or 30ng/mL) due to insufficient sun exposure during the Summer. A safe & effective dose is 50iu of Vitamin D3/kg body weight/day. See Vitamin D.
2) Modern diets are lacking in long-chain omega-3 fatty acids (EPA & DHA), as many people don't eat any/enough oily fish. Tinned tuna is not an oily fish! See Omega-3 fatty acids and major depression: A primer for the mental health professional. Women of reproductive age can take flaxseed oil, if they can't/won't eat oily fish or take fish oil capsules. Women not of reproductive age & men need to supplement with vegan DHA in addition to flaxseed oil, if they can't/won't eat oily fish or take fish oil capsules.
3) Diets low in greens are low in magnesium. Magnesium deficiency can cause all of the above symptoms. Epsom Salts are a very cheap source of Magnesium. 4g/day of Epsom Salts provides 400mg/day of Magnesium. See Magnesium and the Brain: The Original Chill Pill and Magnesium: Just as important as Calcium.
4) Vitamin D is anti-inflammatory. Fish oil is anti-inflammatory.
5) Vitamin D raises your mood. Fish oil keeps it stable. Magnesium chills you out.
Here's a picture to go with the title.
And finally...
I am so glad that I don't work with David Thorne.
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