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This blog thanks to Tracy, New York. |
What is a thyroid?
The thyroid gland is located near the base of the neck. It is one of the largest endocrine glands and controls (through the production of thyroid hormone) how quickly the body burns energy and makes proteins.
The thyroid gland is located near the base of the neck. It is one of the largest endocrine glands and controls (through the production of thyroid hormone) how quickly the body burns energy and makes proteins.
It controls how sensitive the body should be to other hormones and also regulates the metabolism of the body. Rottweilers may be tested to reveal a properly functioning Thyroid. Hypothyroidism can lead to poor coat condition, lethargy, obesity and fertility problems. For treatment, the dog is given hormone replacement to help regulate heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, and the rate at which food is converted into energy. People with an overactive thyroid tend to be lean or underweight and people with an under active thyroid tend to be overweight.
Thyroid hormones also directly affect how most of your organs function. So if your thyroid isn't operating properly, you can have problems in lots of other parts of your body. I read on the internet that 59 million Americans have thyroid problems.
The most common problems that develop in the thyroid include:- Hypothyroidism -- An underactive thyroid.
- Hyperthyroidism -- An overactive thyroid.
- Goiter -- An enlarged thyroid.
- Thyroid Nodules -- Lumps in the thyroid gland.
- Thyroid Cancer -- Malignant thyroid nodules or tissue.
- Thyroiditis -- Inflammation of the thyroid.
How do I know if I have a thyroid ‘challenge’?
Some signs to know if you have thyroid issues are if you have aches and pains in your muscles and joints, carpal tunnel, swelling in the neck, hair loss or hair becomes brittle and dry, skin becomes thick dry or scaly, bowel challenges like constipation, irritable bowel and diarrhea, menstrual irregularities or fertility problems.
Some signs to know if you have thyroid issues are if you have aches and pains in your muscles and joints, carpal tunnel, swelling in the neck, hair loss or hair becomes brittle and dry, skin becomes thick dry or scaly, bowel challenges like constipation, irritable bowel and diarrhea, menstrual irregularities or fertility problems.
How to do a thyroid neck self-check, thanks to thyroid.about.com
Here's How:
- Hold the mirror so that you can see the area of your neck just below the Adam's apple and right above the collarbone. This is the general location of your thyroid gland.
- Tip your head back, while keeping this view of your neck and thyroid area in your mirror.
- Take a drink of water and swallow.
- As you swallow, look at your neck. Watch carefully for any bulges, enlargement, protrusions, or unusual appearances in this area when you swallow.
- Repeat this process several times.
- If you see any bulges, protrusions, lumps or anything that appears unusual, see your doctor right away. You may have an enlarged thyroid, or a thyroid nodule, and your thyroid should be evaluated.
- Don't get your Adam's apple confused with your thyroid gland. The Adam's Apple is at the front of your neck, the thyroid is further down, and closer to your collarbone.
Why does this happen?
Some possible causes are heavy metal poisoning (especially mercury), exposure to radiation, adrenal fatigue, food allergies and celliac disease.
Some possible causes are heavy metal poisoning (especially mercury), exposure to radiation, adrenal fatigue, food allergies and celliac disease.
Mike Adams the editor of Natural News says “Everyday consumables such as flour products, pesticides/herbicides/fungicides, synthetic perfumes, drinking water, and toothpaste contain halogens. Halogens are a group of highly active chemical elements that include bromine, chlorine, fluorine, and iodine. Bromine, chlorine, and fluorine readily displace iodine; this makes iodine less available to the thyroid gland for the production of thyroid hormones causing hypothyroidism. These halogens may also mimic the actions of iodine; this leads to the production of excessive thyroid hormones, leading to hyperthyroidism. Chlorine and fluorine are commonly found in tap water, toothpaste, and non-stick cookware. Bromine is a chemical frequently used in pesticides/fungicides, fire retardants, and many flour products. Eating unbrominated flour products and organic foods, reducing the use of synthetic chemicals and non-stick cookware, and purchasing a good filter to minimize chlorine and fluorine from drinking water are simple ways to lessen halogen exposure and ensure optimal thyroid function. Cancer patients who receive radiation of their thyroid glands by being given radioactive iodine are highly radioactive for up to a week following their release from the hospital -- and they end up irradiating not just hospital rooms but also other patients, friends and family members. Radiation levels are so high in these people that they have set off radiation alarms designed to detect terrorist threats, says a congressional report.”
What are the ‘suggested’ medications?
They include surgery, hormone replacement drugs, and radiation. Levothyroxine is the suggested pharmaceutical drug to take reccomened by the FDA – but they also come with many side effects including weight loss, tremor, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, nervousness, irritability, insomnia, excessive sweating, increased appetite, fever, changes in menstrual cycle, sensitivity to heat, temporary hair loss, particularly in children during the first month of therapy, chest pain (angina) and rapid or irregular heartbeat or pulse. Sounds like taking a drug like that increases more diseases in the body!
What are natural remedies to cure any thyroid disease?
Eat less goitrogenic foods that include Brussels sprouts, rutabaga, turnips, cabbage, radishes, broccoli, cauliflower, soy millet and kale. Goitrogens are naturally occurring thyroid inhibiting substances found in these foods.
Eat gluten free foods and a majority of raw foods.
Reduce or stop your use of perfume, especially spraying it in the neck area.
Eat organic foods that are chemical and pesticide free.
Use bentonite clay – drink 1 teaspoon in water daily. Also use it as a clay mask and smooth it over the neck and allow it to absorb all toxins. Available for purchase at THE EARTH DIET WEBSITE.
Do a heavy metal cleanse, read the blog I wrote ‘Natural Cures for Radiation Exposure’.
Iodine -- Kelp is rich in iodine and is affordable. There used to be plenty of iodine in vegetables and fruits but the soil is very iodine depleted in most areas today. Foods that contain iodine are organic eggs, meat, fish and other seafood, parsley, potatoes, himalayan salt, navy beans, and gluten free oats.
Iodine -- Kelp is rich in iodine and is affordable. There used to be plenty of iodine in vegetables and fruits but the soil is very iodine depleted in most areas today. Foods that contain iodine are organic eggs, meat, fish and other seafood, parsley, potatoes, himalayan salt, navy beans, and gluten free oats.
Bladderwrack -- Bladderwrack is a seaweed that is a rich source of iodine. Traditionally it has been used for weight loss and hypothyroidism. It also contains the minerals potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, etc. Bladderwrack is thought to stimulate the thyroid gland increasing metabolism.
Coconut Oil - Most of the oils that we use to cook food and those used in commercially-prepared foods also have a negative affect on the thyroid. These are known as polyunsaturated or vegetable oils. They may in fact be the worst villains in the spread of thyroid diseases. Diseases of the endocrine system (thyroid) are mostly caused due to production disorders that lead to inadequacy or excess of hormones or inappropriate response to hormones by tissues. Unsaturated fats inhibit tissue response to thyroid hormones. The benefits of coconut oil are seen in the merger of similar functions. The thyroid hormones are mainly responsible for metabolic activity in the body. Coconut oil also promotes metabolism. The fusion of the two work to the benefit of the body and help in maintaining optimum metabolic rate. To explain it in simple words, coconut oil serves as high octane fuel for the internal combustion engine in the car. An efficient fuel (coconut oil) makes the car (thyroid) perform better and last longer. Swallow 2 tablespoons of organic extra virgin coconut oil daily or use it in salads or cooking.
With love, Liana
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