These days, things are very different - some people even choose to go gluten-free and (while I don't get going gluten-free if you don't have Celiac's disease) there are tons of great gluten-free products out there.
I love getting packages and I love writing reviews (I'm one of those neurotic people who loves being able to read others' reviews before I buy anything, so I like to be able to provide honest reviews to help others). Anyway, I was happy to give Myrna and Cheryl's Skinny Crisps a try.
They're gluten-free, low-carb crackers made out of primarily almond meal, flax seeds, and chickpea flour and they come in seven flavors. All seven flavors are free of trans fats and six of the seven (all but the Say Cheese crackers) are also vegan.
Normally, I save the best for last, but I'm going to mix it up this time. My favorite, though I enjoyed all four, were by far the Brownie Crisps.
They were just the right touch of sweet (but only 4g of sugar, and an awesome 3g of fiber, in each 5 cracker serving) and had a nice deep chocolate flavor. They were more like crunchy cookies or chocolate granola (oat-free, though) than crackers. I prefer sweets, so this was a happy surprise!
Ditto goes for the Cinnamon ones:
...which are delightfully cinnamon-y and great crumbled on ice cream or yogurt (I had them on soyogurt with craisins for a vegan afternoon snack).
Next up was Plain.
They're very simple (they get likened to wheat thins in flavor and I have to agree - though I liked these better since they were crunchier instead of flaky). I like the simplicity, because that makes them great to have with any dip, whether sweet or savory.
I knew I'd like the seeded ones.
They're like the plain, but with a little extra heartiness from the seeds.
The white sesame ones were fantastic spread with apricot jam.
My mom would love those, I just know it!
Speaking of parents - here's what my dad would love:
Toasty Onion. Great in a bowl with marinara, nooch, and tofu for a pizza inspired mess in less than two minutes. Healthy, yummy, yay!
Last up were the Say Cheese crackers, the only ones that aren't vegan (they have aged cheddar cheese, gluten free blue cheese, whey, and buttermilk solids in them).
Since I'm trying to make more eats more vegan (but I'm not strict) I had just one of these and gave the rest to a friend (who was quite happy about it). I had to have one, though, because how can I give an honest review about something I haven't tried myself? Silliness. :P
They taste like grown up cheez-its, thanks to the kick from the paprika, but they're crunchier. Is it just me, or do cheez-its tend to get that stale texture really fast? Anyway, my friend (she likes cheese) really liked these. She just ate them plain.
Skinny Crisps get my approval, since they're delicious and super good for me! Here's what's in the plain (and the rest are all very similar): almonds, chickpea flour, organic golden flax seeds, psyllium husks, olive oil, sea salt, organic dehydrated cane juice. They're delightfully crisp, crunchy, and have that indulgent chip mouthfeel - only with healthy fats!
They also come with a cute story! I love stories!
How Skinny Crisps Were Born
Once upon a time there was a sweet and beautiful princess with a very sour tummy. When the King's physician told her that she could no longer eat anything made with gluten, she broke down and cried.
One day the Princess visited her fairy godmother, who was a fanciful baker. The Princess confided that she yearned for a yummy snack that would agree with her tummy.
The fairy godmother comforted the Princess saying, "Despair not my fair Princess, for I will create for you a magically delicious cracker, low in carbohydrates, high in fiber, free of gluten, baked to perfection and sturdy for long journeys."
Very soon the Fairy Godmother returned with an assortment of crackers for the Princess to try.
Upon tasting just one, the Princess rejoiced and proclaimed, "These morsels are tasty indeed! We shall call them Skinny Crisps. We must hurry and provide these crunchy, tummy-friendly snacks to all the people of the kingdom!'
So they did and they all lived happily ever after.
She must have tried the Brownie Crisps. Just sayin'. :)
Do you like happy endings? I feel so ripped off when I don't get one, I seriously can't deal. But actually.
Do you know anyone who can't have gluten?
Do you google things before you buy them?
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