Spoiler alert: giveaways. LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of giveaways. And Christmas! EEEEEK!!! Even international readers will be included :)
But for now, we'll stick to WIAW portion of the program.
As I've mentioned before, pasta isn't my favorite. I love pretty much all other forms of carbs (cereal, bread, etc. - love it!) but pasta just doesn't excite me. When I do have spaghetti, however, I like cellophane noodles.
Especially when they're served Italian-style with Nooch on top.
And yes, that's 99-cents-per-jar no-name Market Basket 'gourmet' garlic spaghetti sauce with a little green sauteed in to make it more special. This is how poor students eat.
Some days I love pancakes, and sometimes I like to add matcha or some greens to make them prettier. But you can find the base recipe that I work with here!
Berries are always invited to the party and yes, syrup lurks (oh, haiiii).
Random balls of awesome for the win! And an almond butter ball (and some Cajun BBQ flavored almonds) lurking in the background. I love my nuts :)
I eat lots of bars. I eat bars daily. I looooove bars. Like anything by Quest (above) or store-brand rice-krispy treat type bars (below).
Chocolate ones are the way to go, of course ;) Sometimes noshed on alone (as above) and sometimes with yogurt and nuts or fruit and peas/caramel/chocolate sauce (as below).
Anyway, speaking of chocolate energy bars, I have a new one to share with you guys today!
Skout Natural Trailbars are US-made, right here in Oregon.
Okay, I'm using 'here' loosely. Since I'm in the Boston-area and all. Moving on...
Skout Natural Trailbars are made with all-natural, organic ingredients and are dairy-free, soy-free, kosher, vegan, and contain a full serving of fruit and no added sugars or fillers!
There are several different flavors, including blueberry+almond, cherry+vanilla, and chocolate+coconut, but I tried the organic chocolate+peanut butter bar!
I mean, duh. If that isn't a delicious combo, I don't know what is!
But then again, how can you make a chocolate peanut butter bar with a full serving of fruit and no added sugars?
Thanks to our good friend the date, that's how! I liked how these bars had oats after the dates, though, instead of just being dates and nuts. Not only did it make the bars more nutritionally balanced (a nice 5g, or 20% of your RDI, of dietary fiber) but it also gave the bars a more substantial texture and made them more filling. This really stuck with me, which I appreciated, since I had a lot of work to do!
Oh, the life and times of a Harvard undergrad in midterm season (spoiler alert: midterm season is pretty much 1-2 months of non-stop exams, papers, and projects with multiple per class).
Back to the bar - it's chocolatey, peanut buttery, and tastes like those no-bake chocolate peanut butter cookies from childhood.
But this one doesn't depend on sticks of butter and cups of sugar, so you can enjoy the nice-sized bar (you could even enjoy two, though I bet 1 will do for a snack - they are filling!) without any of the sugar-crash or tummy-ache issues of over-indulging in traditional no-bake chocolate peanut butter cookies.
It's a treat that tastes great and makes you feel just as great - awesome!
Have you tried Skout Natural Trailbars?
Are you in the Christmas spirit yet?
Will you be back on Saturday for my AWESOME news? The answer to that last one should definitely be yes, trust me! I'm so excited! :D
Don't forget to enter my Tookies Smores Cookie in a Jar Gift giveaway, my international Vermont Christmas Company Chocolate Advent Calendar giveaway, and and my Bare Fruit Cinnamon Apple Chips giveaway!
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