One must?
Dried fruits! I love dried fruits and eat them all the time - there's a reason they're called nature's candy!
But a lot of dried fruits come with added oils, sugars, preservatives, and even dyes - all unnecessary!
Vivapura provides healthy, pure superfoods - like all sorts of great dried fruits - without added junk that you don't want. I tried their organic goji berries, organic mulberries, and organic incan berries.
First off, I really like the packaging.
I'm a huge fan of windows on packets, so that I can see when I'm running low and when it's time to stock up again.
I also really appreciated that they included labels showing that their dried fruits are certified organic and certified non-GMO.
And there are no additives in any of these, just the dried fruits. And frankly, that's all that you need!
The Incan berries were especially good from Vivapura.
They can often be a bit dry or hard or sour without the sweet - but these were chewy and plump, like large raisins but tart and tangy and naturally sweet!
The goji berries are flavorful, as well.
They're chewy and not at all too dry.
The mulberries are great, too - they have a nice, almost caramelly, flavor.
Natural dried fruit companies can sometimes err on the side of flavorless, but Vivapura's are packaged well and packed fresh, so they're bursting with natural flavor and sweetness. The mulberries are positively golden!
They're absolutely perfect for jazzing up a breakfast or snack, tossing into a baked good mix, enlivening a dessert (the Incan berries on vanilla ice cream are out of this world), or just snacking on straight out of the bag!
But I like them best on greek yogurt and granola parfaits - throw in some cacao nibs (also available from Vivapura) and you have a perfect snack for any time of the day!
What's your favorite dried fruit?
What's the most unusual dried fruit you've ever tried?
Do you pay attention to organic/non-GMO/the dirty dozen?
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