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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Holidays :)

Finally get a break from college! -- But no idea what I'll spend doing yet. My friends tend to keep goin gout to get insanely drunk to the point of throwing up, and I can't be around all that... its just disappointing that I live in that sort of culture. But other than their what is in this country considered 'normal behaviour' they're really cool people. I've never or been lead to be friends with anyone that cause trouble, smoke or are complete asses.

On friday afternoon I spent about 20 minutes after the end of college day explaining CR to my tutor (felt like 2minutes!). She said "why the motivation now, what changed?" This is in response to when I said to her that I attitude changed to education a few years ago. I told her that It was a change in diet, but what seemed to work really well was fish oil. She asked if there was anything else I take... and I told her that I supplement around 40-60 different nutrients a day vitamins, minerals, fatty acies, phytonutrients and all that stuff. She said "why?" and I basically told her about CR. Everytime the topic gets brought up though it seems like they want to know more information so I have to repeat the same things over and over again, but I don't mnd too much. She was facinated by CRON anyway and was quite impressed with my knowledge too. My lecturers will be learning about CR in the coming months anyway because I'm doing some reprots on it :)

On saturday morning I was at work, everything was going well and I suddenly lost my voice! "oh no!" -- it wouldn't be so bad if the job didn't entail me speaking on the phone for hours, but no only that, I have been ill a few times over the last few months which was very unusual! I just thought not again! So anyway I got home about an hour after the soar throat came on and downed some green tea and resveratrol suppelement and hoped that this didn't progress any further. Luckily the soar thraot went away within 2 hours and my voice came back, the same day my sister developed the same problem problem with losing her voice and having a soar thraot, but she still has it. It seems like another viral infection going around beacuse lots of my cousins and aunts have it. If I became ill with this I was going to 'freak out!' but it never came to that, and what happened many times in the past two years happened in this case. I felt a soar throat but then just went away as quickly as it came.

Other than that I'm trying to do a lot of research on resveratrol because I'm taking it at the moment until around January as an experiment. But will taking it undo the life extending effects from doing CR? It's frustrating with the lack of information on CR+Resveratrol in Rodents.

Update on some stats

Blood pressure 98/60 (avg 2weeks)
Temperature 35.6 (Morning temp. avg 2weeks)
Weight today 106 lbs
Calorie intake today: 1650k/cal
Sleep time: 8-10 hours a night (higher due to some weeks of stress I think)

Blood tests to come in January
Previous blood tests can be found here

ALSO, GOOD LUCK TO APRIL! -- Just read her blog that she is considering doing more strict CR :)

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