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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

*SNEAK PEEK* Read an Excerpt From "Sparkle!"

 From Chapter 2: "Uncork Your Best Self"

We all have “energy vampires” in our lives. Those people who always seem to know how to zap the fun right out of us. The ones who call our phones relentlessly, until we pick up, and only talk about themselves. Unless you’re a cold-hearted snake, you probably let these people steamroll you from time to time with their mindless drama. I am guilty as charged, but I’ve put an end to it. I’ve given myself a “get out of jail free” card and realized that I cannot – and should not – try to save the world. It’s draining, and it takes away from time that you could be focusing on yourself (a much more exciting project).
And then there are the criticizers. The people in your life, be it friends, or family, even lovers, who love to pass judgment on everything you do. The ones whose phone calls you can’t ignore, and when you pick up, they are ready to jump down your throat about anything and everything. Maybe it’s the shade of lipstick you’re wearing, or the new haircut you just got, or the career choice you’ve made – whatever it is, these people have a way to rain all over your parade. And they can have a serious effect on our confidence.

So how do we ignore the negativity and let that bubbly lady out to play, regardless of the naysayers? It might seem like one of life’s most impossible tasks when you’re “in it.” When you’re in that toxic relationship – whether it be with a man, or a family member, or even a friend – who constantly tries to bring you down, it’s hard to see past the ridicule. Well, I’ll state the obvious here: the first step is to get the fuck away. Honestly, run. Easier said than done, believe me, but it’s a must. The longer you keep those people in your world, the longer you will remain controlled by their wrath. A good rule of thumb is: if someone is around who brings you down, it’s time to take out the trash. And if you can’t eliminate them completely, then seriously reevaluate how much time you give them. Life is way too short for drama and negativity.

...more to come! Stay tuned for the release of "Sparkle" on October 9th!

Diabetes Medication (Actos) and Heart Failure

This article is a guest post from Drug Watch. DrugWatch is an online resource which details accurate and up-to-date information on prescription and over-the-counter medications and their associated side effects. 

This article discusses the side effects of the diabetes drug Actos.
Doctors prescribe Actos (pioglitazone) to diabetes patients to control their blood sugar. Mostly used by type 2 diabetes patients, Actos reduces blood sugar by increasing the sensitivity of cells to insulin and slowing sugar production by the liver.
However, the risk for Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) is increased by 30 percent for users of Actos. Type 1 and type 2 diabetes patients are already at risk for heart disease and high blood pressure, which may cause CHF.

When the heart does not properly pump blood to the rest of the body, people develop CHF. As fluid that should be pumped by the heart builds up in the lungs, liver, gastrointestinal tract, arms and legs, patients may require preventative medicines or surgery, including a heart transplant.

One trial of more than 5,000 patients found a large percentage of patients suffered a serious heart failure event while taking Actos. 

Germany and France have reacted to studies on Actos by banning its use.

The label on the Actos box recommends that patients with the New York Heart Association Class III or IV heart failure should not use the medication. The box also warns that Actos may cause or exacerbate CHF.  Heart problems make up just one of the side effects of Actos.

Additionally, Actos use has led to bone fractures, liver problems and various types of edema. One type is known as macular edema, which occurs when there is swelling in the retina that causes blurred vision and a decreased ability to distinguish colors.

Edema, or swelling, that occurs in other parts of the body can contribute to CHF.

Numerous lawsuits by Actos userswho have developed bladder cancer — where tumors may progress to stage III, leaving only a 50 percent chance of survival — have been filed.

Symptoms indicating CHF are fatigue, loss of appetite, weakness, cough, need to urinate at night, fast or irregular pulse, weight gain, shortness of breath and swollen liver, abdomen, feet or ankles.

Patients with these symptoms should talk to their doctor right away. Patients should always discuss the risks of medication with their doctor before taking a new prescription. Together, patients and doctors can decide which medication is the right choice.

Alanna Ritchie is a writer for An English major, she is an accomplished technical and creative writer.

“Pioglitazone and risk of cardiovascular events in patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus”

Singh, S, et al. (2007). Thiazolidinediones and Heart Failure: A Teleo-Analysis. Diabetes Care. Retrieved from

A giveaway and something that I just wanted to point out...

I just have to point out that it's already the last day of July - wow, how did THAT happen???

Since I'm in college, summer starts early/mid-May for me (May 9, this year) and so getting to the end of the July means the bulk of summer has passed. Tomorrow is August!

I've had a fun summer and am excited for all that fall will bring. I can't believe I go home for my actual summer break in two weeks - only two more weeks of NYC left. Anyway, this is just a reminder to make sure you're doing what you want with your summer - it will be fall before you know it! Do what you like! 

But don't go full-fledged Shopaholic, even if shopping is what you like. I know it's good for the economy and I know those shoes are ca-uuuute, but fall WILL arrive and you WILL need to buy textbooks. 

Anyway, it's been a while since I've done a giveaway. So I'd say it's time for another one, wouldn't you? YAY, giveaway time!

I don't know about y'all, but virgin coconut oil has been The Cool Kid in the blogosphere and there's so much you can do with it - think granola, buttery vegan baked goods (sans the butter, because coconut oil does pretty much the same thing for the texture and taste!), roasted kabocha, homemade chocolate...the list goes on and on and on, and you know I'll be exploring the possibilities here soon :)

This time, I'm doing things a bit differently - my giveaway is starting before my review comes out so that my review comes out when my giveaway is announced. That way, there isn't that eons-long time between when you read my review and start craving the coconut oil when it's on its way to your house!

This is my first giveaway using Rafflecopter, so that's pretty exciting! For me at least :P

Anyway, here's what the giveaway is for (the company put together a little intro to their product for us):

Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil - 32 oz.

Win 1 quart of Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil!

Tropical Traditions is America’s source for coconut oil. Their Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil is hand crafted in small batches by family producers, and it is the highest quality coconut oil they offer. You can read more about how virgin coconut oil is different from other coconut oils on their website: What is Virgin Coconut Oil?

Tropical Traditions also carries other varieties of affordable high quality coconut oil. Visit their website to check on current sales, to learn about the many uses of coconut oil, and to read about all the advantages of buying coconut oil online. Since the FDA does not want us to discuss the health benefits of coconut oil on a page where it is being sold or given away, here is the best website to read about the health benefits of coconut oil.

And here's how to enter the giveaway!

Disclaimer: TropicalTraditions provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and I am under no obligation to review it if I so chose.  Though I choose to review it, I am not under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product. I just like doing giveaways! And, as always, I'll tell you the truth about the product in my review.

The winner will be announced here on August 20!


Monday, July 30, 2012

Vegan Greek Yogurt

I've never had So Delicious anything before, as I've always just written them off as That Coconut Milk Company and I'm in a committed relationship with almond milk.

Not only does So Delicious make almond milk however (and with 5g of protein, way more than the usual measly 1g - but that's a different post for a different day), but they also make vegan creamers, ice creams, and - wait for it - YOGURTS!!!

Including a Greek style yogurt, y'all. 

Yup, Pumbaa, I couldn't believe it either.

But it's real, the pictures prove it.

And it really is vegan (and fiber rich, hey-hey-hey!) with nothing too weird in there - it's based off of coconut milk, in case you were curious. 

Sure, it doesn't look exactly like dairy greek yogurt at first, but it sure looks better than some other vegan yogurts do, pre-stir.

There's no weird watery layer that you have to mix in and it does already look thick and creamy. 

Post-stir, the texture really does come pretty darn close. Do you see how well that's holding up?

Yup, it's thick as can be. Creamy, thick, and fabulous - all the things I'd been missing in greek yogurt.

Now does it taste exactly like greek yogurt? No, it doesn't.

It doesn't have the sour tanginess of greek yogurt and, though I did appreciate that they had a plain flavored yogurt since many vegan companies don't, it was a lot sweeter than dairy greek yogurt. Then again, it doesn't claim to be greek yogurt - it's a greek-style yogurt and that it is.

It also is tasty and it is creamy and it is a great base of a parfait or a yogurt mess or a yogurt and cereal bowl. I bet it will work wherever you need greek yogurt in a recipe and it does the trick when a greek yogurt craving hits, but is vegan-friendly. No, it's not exactly like dairy greek yogurt but it is delicious and I'll definitely enjoy it again.

It was delightful with some cinnamon, frozen blueberries, and dried cranberries. And a side of good book, of course.

It got even better when the blueberries thawed out a bit, releasing their syrup, and with a spoonful of soy nut butter.

I'd always thought So Delicious's claim, 'You're SO gonna love this' was as cocky as it gets, but they've already changed my mind. Even if everything else they make is icky (which I seriously doubt, considering how AMAZING this is - the best vegan yogurt I've had across the board in taste, texture, appearance, and nutritional stats) this yogurt validates their statement. 

It's not cocky if it's true. And guys? It's true. You really are SO gonna love this.

Have you tried So Delicious Greek-style coconut yogurt? If you're vegan or lactose-intolerant, you need to! Even if you're not, you ought to!

What are your favorite yogurt toppers of the moment?

Increasing saturated fat consumption is associated with a decrease in death rates from heart disease

This study was published in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 1996 Feb;49(2):211-6

Study title and authors:
Relationship between dietary intake and coronary heart disease mortality: lipid research clinics prevalence follow-up study.
Esrey KL, Joseph L, Grover SA.
Centre For the Analysis of Cost-Effective Care, Montreal General Hospital, Quebec, Canada.

This study can be accessed at:

This study examined the relationship between dietary intake and death from heart disease. The study included 4,546 men, aged 30 to 79, who were followed for 12 years.

Regarding dietary saturated fat, the study found that increasing consumption of saturated fat was associated with a 3% decrease in death rates from heart disease.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Heart attack survivors live longer if they have high cholesterol

This study was published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2003 Jul;51(7):930-6

Study title and authors:
Long-term prognostic importance of total cholesterol in elderly survivors of an acute myocardial infarction: the Cooperative Cardiovascular Pilot Project.
Foody JM, Wang Y, Kiefe CI, Ellerbeck EF, Gold J, Radford MJ, Krumholz HM.
Section of Cardiovascular Medicine, Department of Medicine, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, USA.

This study can be accessed at:

This study sought to determine the relationship of cholesterol levels to long-term survival rates in elderly survivors of a heart attack. The study analysed the death rates of 4,923 heart attack patients aged 65 and older for six years.

The study found:
(a) After one year those with the lowest cholesterol levels (less than 160 mg/dL or 4.1 mmol/l) had 5% more deaths than those with the highest cholesterol (above 240 mg/dL or 6.2 mmol/l).
(b) After six years those with the lowest cholesterol levels (less than 160 mg/dL or 4.1 mmol/l) had 7.6% more deaths than those with the highest cholesterol (above 240 mg/dL or 6.2 mmol/l).

The results of the study show that heart attack survivors live longer if they have high cholesterol.

Links to other studies:
Men who stop smoking AND lower their cholesterol levels have a 2% increase in their death rates
Low cholesterol and increased mortality in men and women
A rise in total cholesterol reduces the risk of mortality in the oldest old

Forgetting to Remember: The Key Obstacle to Eating Disorder Recovery

In Memory of a Lost Patient.

Maybe it’s because I was taught never to forget. I was instructed to mark days for the sole purpose of remembering—the anniversary of a loved one’s passing, a date of destruction of a holy site, or the attempted annihilation of my people throughout history. Recalling a negative occurrence, as I’ve learned, has much value. 

I’m not suggesting dwelling on it, as a kind of “woe is me” way of existing, thinking catastrophe may strike at any time! But remembering negative events reminds us of our good fortune to be where we’re at, to appreciate all we have, all we have survived. And it reminds us we need to be anything but passive to ensure that we do our part to prevent future damage and disaster.

And what does this have to do with you, my dear readers? Everything! If you read Drop It And Eat for support with your eating and your health, for the sake of changing your relationship with food, then forgetting to remember is a key obstacle to your progress. Are you a dieter or a restrictive eater? A binge eater or someone stuck in a purge mode? Your memory is essential to breaking out of the trap you’re in.

Here’s why.

When you are restricting you may focus on the high you get, how empowered you feel—yet forget that it is but a fleeting feeling. Rather, the restricting has landed you with rebound overeating or disappointment with subsequent weight regain.

Alternatively, you achieve your “success”, and the restriction continues, only to result in symptoms, health risks and hospitalizations.  You forget the lightheadedness, the risk when driving alone or with those in your charge. You fail to acknowledge that fuzzy headedness and the fact that slowed thinking is not your norm.

Maybe if you remembered that weight loss didn’t itself bring you happiness, that goal weights were a moving target. That no weight was ever low enough, and that it never made you feel good enough.
You’ve forgotten that the isolation from friends and detachment from those you love was a hefty price.

You’ve forgotten how scary it is to vomit blood, to see the veins pop in your eyes—but instead you simply focus on the risk of keeping those extra calories in.

You get so used to living in a substandard way, not functioning at full capacity, that you forget what life could be like—the potential you truly have to make a difference, to even one person you care about.

Before the memory is gone, recall it. When you are considering rigid dieting or the need to purge, think about what you know. When you are thinking you already blew it, that it hardly matters what you do at this point, consider where that has gotten you. Was the action worth it? Did it really achieve your intended goal? Is this how you want your life to be?

Do not forget that your thoughts used to be spent on passions and hobbies, on family and on learning—not singularly on calories and carbs, and pounds and numbers, on shouldsand shouldn’ts.

Remember that you are worth it, that you have made a difference and that it is not too late to change your eating behaviors.

This post is written in memory of my one patient who left this world too soon, well on her way to recovery from her bulimia, but struggling with her bipolar disorder. Her memory inspires me to do my part in eating disorder recovery.

Looking for a Few Good Women!

Hello dahhhlings! I can't believe we're just about 12 weeks out from the launch of Sparkle! I'm working my boobs off to bring you a really fun book, but I can't do it all on my own.

Here's where you come in! I'm looking for a few good women to be my champagne soldiers and get the word out to everyone they know about the book. This virtual "street team" will be assembled over the next few weeks, and I'm calling it The Bubbly Brigade. Want in?

Duties will be:

  • Post about the book regularly on your Facebook page and on Twitter
  • Email your friends and let them know where they can buy the book!
  • Ask your local bookstore to stock it!
  • Write a review of the book on Amazon when it's up
    • Host a book club and read & discuss Sparkle

    But I'm not expecting you to join the ranks without some giving you goodies in return! Members of The Bubbly Brigade will receive an advanced signed copy of Sparkle before it's released, as well as some other "sparkling" surprises. If you're interested in helping out, please email me at!

    Cheers ladies!

    Sunday Steals #4 (Hollister Heavy!)

    I love a good deal.

    You love a good deal (I assume).

    Here are this week's good deals!

    Only here's the thing - I usually try to mix things up, scouring the web for the best bargains I can find. Only this week? Hollister had such amazing sales, with such cute stuff, that I just had to dedicate this post to their clearance finds.

    Emma Wood for $9.45 ($39.50) at Hollister

    Costa Mesa for $12.45 ($49.50) at Hollister

    San Clemente Cami for $9.95 ($29.50) at Hollister

    Hollister Yoga Classic for $12.45 ($34.50) at Hollister

    La Mesa Dress for $14.45 ($49.50) at Hollister

    McGrath Beach for $7.45 ($19.50) at Hollister

    Which piece is your favorite?

    What is one of your favorite stores?

    What is one of your least favorite stores?

    Saturday, July 28, 2012

    Fashion Inspiration: The Little Mermaid

    You know I love Disney.

    I mean, who doesn't? So today's fashion inspiration is Ariel, the Little Mermaid!

                               Little Mermaid portrait fail (3 pics)

    She was my big sister's favorite Disney princess when we were younger!

    Though she's a princess, Ariel seems pretty down-to-earth. I think she's the kind of girl that would appreciate a good sale, not the kind who needs labels and outfits worth the equivalent of small cars to look and feel good.

    And considering her affinity for the beach, she's probably more into the casual look anyway.

    MAC Red Lipstick, $14.50, M*A*C

    The powerful red lip is crucial to pulling off the purple and green color combo with the right pop!

    Carmel Tail Blouse, $33.60 ($48.00), Nasty Gal

    Dreams Leather Bracelet - Silver, $14.99, Target

    'Dreams become reality, one choice at a time' - not only a theme appropriate engraving, but a very true, and useful, reminder :)

    Cuffed Sateen Short Green, $19.50 ($34.50), Delia's
    Elnicki, $17.49 ($35.00), Aldo

    This Little Mermaid look comes to a total cost of $100.80. Definitely not bad, considering that the price includes accessories, shoes, and make up!

    Which Disney character do you want as my next fashion inspiration?

    Did you ever want to be a mermaid when you were younger?

    What are you wearing right now?

    Friday, July 27, 2012

    Fruit Granita (C4)

    Fruit Granita (C4)
    Recipe Author: Lisa B.
    (As posted to 17 Day Diet Support Group)

    This could work as a fun fruit portion, as well.

    Liquefy in a blender:
    4 cups of melon cubes
    1 cup unsweetened apple juice
    1/4 c of lime juice.

    Pour into a large, shallow pan and then lay flat in your freezer.

    Flake with a fork every 40 minutes until frozen completely.

    Serve with mint leaves and berries for garnish.

    It's only fruit, so 1 cupful (not packed, keep it airy) should count as 1 portion.

    17 Day Diet Gal's notes:
    The reason this is C4 is because of the apple and lime juices.  Because there is very little per portion of each, this could reasonably be used as a C3 dessert (the melons make it C3).

    Friday Foodie Finds #4

    It's already the last Friday in July, wowza!

    This week, I found the following tasty-looking recipes (all of them vegan, this week) online:

    Eva's Autumn Brittle (can be made Vegan by subbing maple syrup for the honey)

    Nicole's Vegan, Raw Ice Cream Sandwiches

    Virtually Vegan Mama's Vegan Portobello Wellington

    Are you more likely to try a sweet or savoury recipe that you find online?

    What's the longest amount of time that you would put into preparing a meal for yourself (not a party or a holiday)?

    Have you tried any of my Friday Foodie Finds recipes yet (which one)?

    20 year study shows that a high saturated fat diet is associated with a reduction in heart disease

    This study was published in the American Journal of Epidemiology 2005 Apr 1;161(7):672-9

    Study title and authors:
    Dietary fat intake and risk of coronary heart disease in women: 20 years of follow-up of the nurses' health study.
    Oh K, Hu FB, Manson JE, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC.
    Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA 02115, USA.

    This study can be accessed at:

    This study examined the associations of dietary fat with the risk of coronary heart disease. The study included 78,778 women who were followed for 20 years.

    Regarding saturated fat, the study found that women who consumed the most saturated fat had a 3% reduced risk of heart disease compared to the women who consumed the least saturated fat.

    Thursday, July 26, 2012

    Gluten-Free Skinny Crisps Review

    While I don't have Celiac's disease, I have several friends who do (including the daughter of one of my mom's college friends, who I've known since I was pretty much a baby). I have thus been aware of gluten intolerance from a very young age - even though then I just remember feeling bad for my friend, who always had to have her own special food and miss out on all the goodies that we got to have.

    These days, things are very different - some people even choose to go gluten-free and (while I don't get going gluten-free if you don't have Celiac's disease) there are tons of great gluten-free products out there.

    I love getting packages and I love writing reviews (I'm one of those neurotic people who loves being able to read others' reviews before I buy anything, so I like to be able to provide honest reviews to help others). Anyway, I was happy to give Myrna and Cheryl's Skinny Crisps a try.

    They're gluten-free, low-carb crackers made out of primarily almond meal, flax seeds, and chickpea flour and they come in seven flavors. All seven flavors are free of trans fats and six of the seven (all but the Say Cheese crackers) are also vegan.

    Normally, I save the best for last, but I'm going to mix it up this time. My favorite, though I enjoyed all four, were by far the Brownie Crisps.

    They were just the right touch of sweet (but only 4g of sugar, and an awesome 3g of fiber, in each 5 cracker serving) and had a nice deep chocolate flavor. They were more like crunchy cookies or chocolate granola (oat-free, though) than crackers. I prefer sweets, so this was a happy surprise!

    Ditto goes for the Cinnamon ones:

    ...which are delightfully cinnamon-y and great crumbled on ice cream or yogurt (I had them on soyogurt with craisins for a vegan afternoon snack).

    Next up was Plain.

    They're very simple (they get likened to wheat thins in flavor and I have to agree - though I liked these better since they were crunchier instead of flaky). I like the simplicity, because that makes them great to have with any dip, whether sweet or savory.

    I knew I'd like the seeded ones.

    They're like the plain, but with a little extra heartiness from the seeds.

    The white sesame ones were fantastic spread with apricot jam.

    My mom would love those, I just know it!

    Speaking of parents - here's what my dad would love:

    Toasty Onion. Great in a bowl with marinara, nooch, and tofu for a pizza inspired mess in less than two minutes. Healthy, yummy, yay!

    Last up were the Say Cheese crackers, the only ones that aren't vegan (they have aged cheddar cheese, gluten free blue cheese, whey, and buttermilk solids in them).

    Since I'm trying to make more eats more vegan (but I'm not strict) I had just one of these and gave the rest to a friend (who was quite happy about it). I had to have one, though, because how can I give an honest review about something I haven't tried myself? Silliness. :P

    They taste like grown up cheez-its, thanks to the kick from the paprika, but they're crunchier. Is it just me, or do cheez-its tend to get that stale texture really fast? Anyway, my friend (she likes cheese) really liked these. She just ate them plain.

    Skinny Crisps get my approval, since they're delicious and super good for me! Here's what's in the plain (and the rest are all very similar): almonds, chickpea flour, organic golden flax seeds, psyllium husks, olive oil, sea salt, organic dehydrated cane juice. They're delightfully crisp, crunchy, and have that indulgent chip mouthfeel - only with healthy fats!

    They also come with a cute story! I love stories!

    How Skinny Crisps Were Born

    Once upon a time there was a sweet and beautiful princess with a very sour tummy. When the King's physician told her that she could no longer eat anything made with gluten, she broke down and cried.

    One day the Princess visited her fairy godmother, who was a fanciful baker. The Princess confided that she yearned for a yummy snack that would agree with her tummy.

    The fairy godmother comforted the Princess saying, "Despair not my fair Princess, for I will create for you a magically delicious cracker, low in carbohydrates, high in fiber, free of gluten, baked to perfection and sturdy for long journeys."

    Very soon the Fairy Godmother returned with an assortment of crackers for the Princess to try. 

    Upon tasting just one, the Princess rejoiced and proclaimed, "These morsels are tasty indeed! We shall call them Skinny Crisps. We must hurry and provide these crunchy, tummy-friendly snacks to all the people of the kingdom!'

    So they did and they all lived happily ever after.

    She must have tried the Brownie Crisps. Just sayin'. :)

    Do you like happy endings? I feel so ripped off when I don't get one, I seriously can't deal. But actually.

    Do you know anyone who can't have gluten?

    Do you google things before you buy them?

    High saturated fat diet reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases

    This study was published in PLoS One 2012;7(2):e31637

    Study title and authors:
    Dietary fiber and saturated fat intake associations with cardiovascular disease differ by sex in the Malmö Diet and Cancer Cohort: a prospective study.
    Wallström P, Sonestedt E, Hlebowicz J, Ericson U, Drake I, Persson M, Gullberg B, Hedblad B, Wirfält E.
    Nutrition Epidemiology Research Group, Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University, Malmö, Sweden.

    This study can be accessed at:

    This study investigated the association between nutrient intake and the risk of cardiovascular disease. The study included 8,139 male and 12,535 female participants, aged 44 to 73, who were followed for an average of 13.5 years.

    The study found:
    (a) Men who consumed the most dietary fat had a 5% reduced risk of cardiovascular disease compared to men who consumed the least dietary fat.
    (b) Women who consumed the most dietary fat had a 14% reduced risk of cardiovascular disease compared to women who consumed the least dietary fat.
    (c) Men who consumed the most saturated fat had an 11% reduced risk of cardiovascular disease compared to men who consumed the least saturated fat.
    (d) Women who consumed the most saturated fat had an 13% reduced risk of cardiovascular disease compared to women who consumed the least saturated fat.
    (e) Men who consumed the most carbohydrate had a 9% increased risk of cardiovascular disease compared to men who consumed the least carbohydrate.
    (f) Women who consumed the most carbohydrate had an 18% increased risk of cardiovascular disease compared to women who consumed the least carbohydrate.

    The data from the study shows that a high saturated fat diet reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

    Wednesday, July 25, 2012

    WIAW #48

    As usual, this WIAW is a random compilation of foods and has nothing to do with what I eat in a day. Other than these foods were eaten some day. :P For me, WIAWs are more of an excellent food photo dump. And a fun opportunity to come up with some fun theme to tie it together!

    This week, I'm answering random fun questionnaire questions that I've found floating about in the blogosphere.

    Oh, and as for the fitness aspect, I'm going to throw in a quick reminder that fitness should only come as tied to the first word: fun. If you don't love running, don't run. If you don't love the gym, don't go to the gym. You can find other ways to be active and a break from traditional exercise isn't going to kill you - it's too hot for me to be active outside and I don't have a gym membership, so I haven't really been exercising at all. But guess what? I'm still alive. If you feel like you need exercise or you panic if you can't get it, those are signs of exercise addiction.

    Movin' on!

    Peas and Crayons

    What did you do last night?

    Ate ice cream (from the tub, of course, in my hot pink PJs with the hearts all over them), read a Faye L. Booth novel, and contemplated shoes the meaning of life.

    Tee-hee, we know which one it really was (shhh).

    Love those Dr. Praeger's California Burgers
    When was the last time you laughed REALLY hard?

    Ten minutes ago, when visiting one of my favorite procrastination destinations, That Disney Gif, and I saw this:


    I probably like memes too much (certainly too much to be cool). But you're welcome.

    Did you enjoy your weekend?

    What kind of question is that?

    D. U. H.

    I am such an apple addict. If I could only have one fruit (quelle horreur!) it would definitely be apples.
    Would you ever get a tattoo?

    No. I might do one of those henna things on the beach, if I'm feeling wild, but as for permanent ink? Nooooooo thank you. I definitely don't judge, though, my sister has a tattoo, as does my cousin and so do several of my friends, but it's just not for me.

    It's odd, though, isn't it? Tattoos seem to go through waves in popularity and they definitely seem to be more in again now.

    But I like my trends a little less permanent.

    Cheezy Kale Chips
    Are you stubborn?

    Haha, YES.

    Ramen with broccoli, soy sauce, and Nooch
    What's your favorite flower?

    Sunflowers for the win!

    Chocolatey bean mash, lentils, sweet stewed rhubarb compote, vanilla soy milk (I ate this with almond butter)
    The first peeve that comes to mind?

    Excessive hipsterness. Probably because I'm in NYC (and I came here straight from Cambridge, MA) so my hipster quotient is way overfull.

    A lovely green salad, close up below
    Texting or talking?

    I like talking in person but I'm really not a big fan of phone call convos. So texting? Yes, please!

    Cats or dogs?

    Cats!!! I love, love, love cats! 

    Dogs I can do without.

    Frozen blueberries, toasted lentils, and diced avocado (raisins joined the party, post-photograph)
    If you had to give a one-word, one-reason explanation as the primary reason for why you're vegetarian, what would you say?


    Thick pasta thrown in a veggie stirfry.
    Have you had the chicken pox (when)?

    I did, when I was four! It was torturous, I still remember. We still lived in South Africa at the time and I remember that I had to stay home, all itchy and uncomfortable, while my sister got to go to the bakery with my mom. My sister got this really cool (to my 4-year-old, obviously irrational, self) mini barbie thing that was stuck in the top of a cupcake that my mom bought for her while they were out and I got nada!

    Oh, I was pissed. And I definitely didn't get over it for a while. In retrospect, it was a flat little plastic decoration probably worth less than ten cents. 


    Haha, I ate almost half of it before I realized how pretty the colors were together and that I should probably take a picture.
    Who would you most like to send you flowers right now?

    No one. I'm not huge on having decomposing plants hanging out in my room, so flowers? I can do without. 

    I've really never seen what's supposed to be so sweet or romantic about giving someone something that's already on a quick road to death.

    I'd rather have yummy treats.

    Those flat noodles (what are they called again? Angel hair are the skinny ones, so what are these?) with a chopped-veggies-sauteed-in-olive-oil sauce and mustard on the side.
    Rice or pasta?

    Rice, especially brown! I like the nuttiness. :) I also like quinoa, but I only ever eat it at school - somehow it's one of those things that seems like too much effort to try on my own (though it really can't be, right? I mean, come on - how much harder can it be than rice?). Quinoa is now on my to-do list.
    Cheezy Kale Chips
    Sweet or salty?

    That you even have to ask, *so disappointed*. Sweet, of course!

    Cashew butter, honey, peas, vanilla soy milk mixed with soygurt, granola, toasted lentils, goji berries
    Favorite Nut Butter?

    It cycles between Almond and Peanut, but I do enjoy Soy Nut now and then...

    Sundried tomatoes from Whole Foods
    Least Favorite Nut Butter?

    Sorry guys, but I'm going to have to say coconut butter. I love eating nut butters with a spoon, on my ice cream, in my yogurt, on bread, etc., but coconut butter plain? Not so deelish. 

    Eggplant fries with ketchup
    Feel free to take my random survey, too, and leave a link if you post your answers - I'd love to read them!

    Which picture is the yummiest?

    What's the tastiest thing you've had this week?

    What's your favorite condiment? I used to love ketchup, then I hated it, now I love it again. Mustard and me, though? Our relationship is totally uncomplicated, it's a consistent love-love-love situation. :)