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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

WIAW #47

I've been writing and reading and talking up a storm lately, so I don't really feel like words right now. So this WIAW is going to be very photo heavy, not wordy!

As usual, these aren't a day's eats. Instead, the theme this week is fun food combinations!

Peas and Crayons

And does shopping count as exercise? I say it totally does.

Ramen noodles with broccoli, sauteed onion, and soy sauce
It's so hot that I always need a cold dessert, either ice cream or frozen fruit, after a hot meal.

Frozen mango and frozen strawberries drizzled with almond milk
I've been really enjoying frozen fruit :)

Roasted kabocha squash, toasted lentils, granola (underneath, I don't think you can see it), pomegranate arils, and frozen blackberries with vanilla almond milk
Toasted lentils are soooo good!
Chocolate bean mash, toasted lentils, frozen blueberries, and soymilk
Toasted lentils add lovely crunch to ANYTHING.

Frozen strawberries, frozen mangos, toasted lentils, and vanilla almond milk with cinnamon.
I've also been eating chocolate like CRAZY. I don't know why, but I've been craving it so much lately and have been eating a lot of chocolate every day!
Chocolate Chips, toasted lentils, cereal, chocolate soy milk, peanut flour
What gives?

Even better with almond butter :)
Another new love? Avocado.

Avocado with frozen raspberries
It's really good with fruits and starchy sweet peas.

Yum, yum.
It's also quite pretty.

I bought my avocado when it was waaaay unripe, by accident, so it was super exciting when it was finally ready to eat!
Avocado tastes really good with almond milk.

Granola joined the party, post-picture. What a perfect combo!
What combos have you been loving lately?

How many times (per day?) do you eat chocolate? For me, it's been 3 or 4 servings a day lately - what gives?! 

What have you been eating a lot of lately?

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