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Monday, July 2, 2012

Going for the Goals #3

Here's how I did with last week's goals:

1) Stop eating late at night.

Again, I didn't quite achieve this one - especially with starting my new job, getting into a regular schedule was a bit tricky and I would still sometimes find myself hungry right before bed and end up sleeping too full and not very comfortably. Still, it worked a few nights! Baby steps :)

2) Be as prepared as possible for auditions.

Summer is very hit-and-miss with auditions, so I actually didn't have a single audition last week. I took the time to read some acting technique books, though, and I think I did learn a thing or two. I feel pretty prepared for this afternoon's commercial audition, wish me luck! And that I'm not a sweaty, half-melted mess by the time I get there late this afternoon (ugh, 90s - can summer be over yet, please?).

3) Write more often.

I was quite busy last week with training for my new job and another odd job that I got (guinea pig sitting, yay!) on top of my internship and really couldn't muster up the energy to write - I mainly just read. I was more active on my blog though, so while it's not the kind of writing I was thinking about, it's something!

Okay, so that brings us to this week's goals. And just as a side note - HOLY COW IT'S ALREADY JULY.

Peanut Butter and Jenny

1) Write more often.

If you try at first and do not succeed, try, try again! So this week, I'm going to try writing a longer story again. To make it more fun again, I'll let myself do as I please - I don't have to commit to one story, I can write twenty different story beginnings (or just jump in from somewhere in the middle) if I please. The important thing is to just get writing! You're never really too busy.

2) Stop eating late at night.

Perhaps a more protein-rich, instead of just carb-heavy, dinner would help keep me satisfied? Maybe the late night hunger means that I'm falling short on my overall protein? Hmm, it's worth a go!

3) Interact with other blogs.

I love blogging, but let's face it - while most, if not all, of us would probably still blog if no one at all was reading it (after all, aren't we all just the journal/diary crowd, only with Macs and PCs now?) that doesn't change the fact that we love when people do read what we write. So instead of just reading posts and clicking on to the next, I'm going to make more of an effort to stop and comment, pin stuff, or follow new blogs. It will take me a few minutes, but it might make someone happy - after all, every time I notice that I have a new follower or that someone left me a comment, it brightens up my day a bit. :)

What's one of your goals for this week?

Have you made any blogger friends?

What's your favorite thing about July?

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