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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

1 chocolate, 2 chocolate, 3.. .4...5...6...

I just couldn't resist. CR for three years coming up and I thought 'what the hell?' and ate a chocolate bar, then another one and so on. But in moderation as I only ate one or two a day for about a week and that was it. The bars weren't even the full size ones, just mini version so the calorie content was quite low 100/150k/cal per bar. No real nutritional value other than supplying calories, but I don't see how it can do much harm, I mean I'm not going to age before my very eyes over a week of consuming chocolate loaded with saturated fat and sugar. I did enough of it while I was a teenager and my health markers like fasting glucose was pretty good for non-cr @ 4.5 (81mg/dl). Fortunately because I'm young I can still still pretty much do these things on the off occasion, even more regularly if I wanted to (but I won't) and probably not get any significant negative effects from it. On the other hand unlike most people I still got all my RDA's every day, ate my 12-15 or so different vegetables and fruits... with massive servings of each.

I haven't experienced any SAD symptoms lately, I don't know why this is because I've not seen any daylight for ages now, so I'm quite surprised! I am having a bit of trouble trying to get my sleeping pattern back to normal hours though. I think I'm going to need to try something so that I can sleep and wake at normal times. Being awake at night while everyone else is asleep can become very annoying at times. I just find myself watching T.V. Way too much. if there is one thing I have to do in 2008 is get my sleeping habits sorted out.

The insomnia I had from taking 3 small doses of cipro (then UTI result came back negative and I quit) is starting to go away slowly. It initially caused me to not be able to sleep AT ALL. Then I kept waking up every 2 hours, and had non restful sleep. That continued well into November on and off. Though from start of December sleep has become more normal. The reason that Ciprofloxacin caused the insomnia was likely because it is able to inhibit GABA binding to the GABAa Receptor... Usually for most people this doesn't happen, but for me it did and there is no real fix other than time itself. I know one thing is certain, Since starting CR and taking up all these healthy foods my reaction to common drugs has increased. For certain antibiotics and other medications I seem to get the 'very rare' side effects for most. I don't know whether it is the CR or the foods (specific compounds) that are somehow altering the metabolizing of the drugs. Probably via the P450 enzyme system. So me and my usual doctor agreed that it's best to take medication only when 'absolutely' necessary because of my track record. And I agree! It would be interesting if other CRers have noticed that they react to medications more strongly now.

The end of 2006 to the first quarter of 2007 was a load of crap, with some patchy spots mid-late 2007. Lets hope that 2008 brings much better things. I'll have all my normal blood tests taken between March and April now because it will then be 12 months. I don't want to get them done every six months now, not because I can't, but because I think it seems a bit too much to my doctor since there isn't really anything significantly wrong with my health.

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