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Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 352

Thoughts: The last day to join the challenge cleanse of eating only foods from the earth for 9 or 21 days! Experience what it is like to eat what nature intended ;)

As soon as you join you get an email with...
# The Earth Diet Challenge Recipe Choices for Day 1 through 9 - choices for each meal
# An entire list of all foods naturally provided by the earth
# A list of alkaline and acidic food
# The Earth Diet Pantry - what is in my cupboards and where to buy it

And throughout the week the members only page will be updated with ongoing questions, answers shares including...
# Natural alternatives
# cleansing recipes
# The benefits of juice and juicing recipes

Some questions I had today from one of extraordinary the participants in the USA were:

Can I eat Quinoa?
1. Quinoa is great! I did not include that in any recipe from day 1-9 - but there will be some between day 9 - 21. If you can on the 9 days eat it raw - as when it is cooked it is depleted of lots of it's nutritional value and just becomes a filler for the body. Can you recommend some great quinoa recipes? Let me know if you would like to share them with the rest of the participants on this Earth diet challenge :)

Can I have almond milk?
2. Yes almond milk is great. Do you make your own or purchase it from a store? When ever you can in the next 9 days make your foods from scratch. Here is a link for a great raw recipe. And make sure any almond milk you buy has NO SOY LECITHIN. Poison.

Can I have tea?
3. Green tea, rooibos tea and yerba matte are great too! Also this week, if you are drinking tea make sure it is the whole leafs and not tea bags. Tea Bag tea is like the fast food of teas! Herbs& plants like mint, green tea, lemon myrtle, ginger, dandelion and lemongrass make great cleansing teas and are quite assessable.

Can I have coffee?
4. Coffee is not out on the earth diet. Coffee beans come from the earth naturally. Like the cacao bean (chocolate bean) however it can be addictive and become a drug - so if you usually have coffee everyday - go without for 9 days. Allow your body to clean it's self out of familiar comfortable tastes.

If you want to join visit this link

Quotes: Without health life is not life; it is only a state of langour and suffering - an image of death. Buddha

What I Ate Today: A mono food day - getting prepped for tomorrow's 21 day Challenge!

Meal 1: A grapefruit and ginger juice.

Meal 2: A raw breakfast bar I make with oats, walnuts, cashews, almonds, dates & chia seeds!

Meal 3: An avocado with walnuts.

Meal 4: A beetroot (beet), carrot, celery and ginger juice.

Meal 5: A green salad with lettuce, baby spinach, avocado, spring onions, garlic, ginger, green chilly, and lime juice! mmm refreshing!

Recipe:Recipes are available free on The Earth Diet website www.TheEarthDiet.Org

Exercise: Lots of walking today! And working, standing, chatting at the farmers markets!

13 days to go!!!

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