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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Why wait?

People often say they will make changes, but they don't begin until the next week, on a monday, because it's the start of a new week and somehow it makes sense to start on that day. Some people say that after the new year they will change their eating habits, or give up smoking, or take up exercising. The problem is that it never lasts, at least not more than just a few weeks! I think that people need to really think about exactly why they are making these changes. I believe if you have a reason that is strong enough to want to change, then you will stick at it. For me the prospect of living long enough to take full advantage of new advances in medicine, biotechnology, and nanotechology to live a very long time is worth me cutting back on what I eat and eating a healthy diet. The pay off is potentially huge, I might not just enjoy a lifespan of 85 years if I were to eat a standard diet, but by looking after myself right now and in the future I could be adding hundreds of years to my lifespan. I imagine the things that I would love to see and do in that time. If you are fit and healthy like a 25 year old forever, until you die of an accident or something, then why would you want to give up? I guess what keeps me on my diet is have curiosity, like a child is curious about his or her surroundings, I am curious about many things in life, theres things I wish to see answered. Every day is a good day, and I am thankful to enjoy the health that I do, because I know there are many poor peope out there, people who are sick not because the choices they make, but they are just simply unlucky, then there are those that are sick becuase they have done it to themselves. I could never possibly imagine myself eating other way right now because I feel so good. It's true, the better you feel, the more you can do, and it's a positive cycle. Sometime I think that I am simply different to many other people, and that my determination and ability to stick with things like CR is part of my personality, and how can I teach other people to do the same thing. It's almost difficult to understand because for me, doing calorie restriction is extremely easy, I barely have to make any effort to stick to it. The pay off for me is simply huge, and maybe that is always at the back of my mind when I make the choices that I do. I only have one shot at this, and I better get it right, because I won't get another.

I find that most people they start on a diet because they simply are focusing on weight. I like to say to people that they should first focus on their health and fitness, and the weight will come off, just try not to make it the primary reason for you starting the diet. There are many conditions that can be prevented by starting calorie restriction. Diseases like heart disease, diabetes, stroke and most cancers are preventable. People know that eating healthy can help prevent disease, but do they realise that diseases like heart disease and diabetes should be rare? They should not be a part of aging and are not inevitible. You can maintain your physical and mental abilities well into advanced ages. Just think about it, you are going to work most of your life and retire at age 65, and then do you want the last remaining years of your life in poor health? Of course not! With CR you could potentially have upto 40 years or more of being healthy and active! Don't wait until the new year, star right now! Do something positive like add some fruit to your morning cereal such as bananas or strawberries. Cut out one thing like fizzy drinks which contain so much sugar! Make small changes if you can, this is exactly what I did when I was 18 years old. I started to add some fruit first, and change from white bread to wholemeal bread. I started to drink orange juice or unsweetened cranberry juice instead of Dr Pepper bottles. I stopped using sugar in my tea, and I changed from full fat milk to semi skimmed milk. Even from these changes and without actively counting calories, I lost a significant amount of weight. It was completely unintentional to lose the weight that I did. I was purely focusing on my health. So try making some small changes right now, and if you want, make a promise to yourself that by the new year, you will have dramatically changed your diet, and you have a good foundation continue with an even better diet in 2011.

Don't be so hard on yourself, and never let one day of bad eating stop you from starting again the next day. Even I sometimes don't eat perfectly, but I just get back to eating better the following day. I never feel guilty or have these negative thoughts about food! Keep a positive mind, and reinfornce positive thinking and behaviour. If you have a good role model in your life, then go ask them for help, someone to motivate you and keep you on track.

thats all for today! more soon =) Good luck!

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