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Monday, October 22, 2007

Protect your hearing

I would like to post this because I think it's important for those rocking out hard with your guitar up loud, or drums, or going to loud concerts all the time. Tinnitus affects 50 million people in the U.S and around 10 million in the UK. For some reason about three months ago I developed tinnitus... it came out of the blue and no idea what caused it. My ENT doctor said my hearing is excellent in the right ear and slightly lower than it should be in the left, but still normal. Also an ear pressure test was abnormal in the left ear (can suggest ear fluid). Then he said that he did see fluid in both ears and can take many months to clear... and that it might be from a viral or that sinus problems I had. he think this is what is causing the mild tinnitus. It almost sounds like a high pitched noise coming from an old CRT monitor. I'm a fairly optimistic person, and tinnitus hasn't really increased anxiety levels or anything because I've just learned to get used to it! Until there is a cure there is no point in worrying about it because there is nothing anyone can really do says my doctor and ent doc.

Watch this video and see what I hear 24/7! -- This noise can be caused by excessive noise levels, bacterial or viral ear infections, allergies, antibiotics, chemotherapy, tumors and anxiety or stress can make it much louder. Anemia is also another cause of this problem. Tinnitus is not a disease, but a symptom of a problem which is usually benign. New research suggests that the brain is involved in picking up this noise that is supposed to be filtered out. In fact, if you stick anyone in a sound proof room for 5 minutes they will also begin to hear these high pitched noises. However this leaves them as soon as they are exposed to the natural environment again. 30% of those coming home from iraq also are suffering from tinnitus... and with all the kids now playing their music players up loud, there will be many more.

Protect your ears :)

I've almost got some people to join my new rock band. I'll definitely be wearing proper protection this time!

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