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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

'Feed a cold' is good advice

No I'm not unfortunate to become sick just yet with a cold. But my niece, nephew, older brother, cousin became ill with it now. I had a fairly good sleep last night and slept 10 hours with just waking up once after about 4 hours. Sleeping is an excellent idea if you are run down with something. Otherwise I've been throwing down garlic to see if that helps. If it doesn't work to kill the virus or boost immune system, maybe it will keep people away for a short while because of the odor coming from my body haha :)

Here is another interesting article I found a while back. The advice that one should feed a cold seems quite valid according to this study.

Dutch scientists have conducted small-scale experiments which suggest that both approaches are the best way of priming the immune system to cope with different infections. The research, reported on the New Scientist website, found that the different approaches may activate different types of immune cell.

Viral Infections
After the liquid meal, levels of a body chemical called Gamma interferon had multiplied by four. This chemical indicates that the body is using a type of immune response designed to kill cells which have become infected, and tends to be directed at viral infections.

Bacterial Infections
The water-only diet, however, produced almost a fourfold increase in levels of a different chemical, called interleukin-4. This is a sign of an immune response which launches attacks on invaders lurking outside the cells. Most bacterial infections require this kind of response.

However one of the things you might get from this advice is more cold symptoms, if you think about it, increasing levels of interferon while fighting a viral infection might cause an increase in temperature, fatigue, tiredness etc... but you might get over it quicker? I don't know :p

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