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Sunday, August 5, 2007

Skinny Celebrities

I caught 3/4 of a program on UK Living earlier tonight where it discussed a few Skinny Celebrities and they had an 'anti aging' doctor on there who gave a calculation of how long they will all live. Some clearly admitted they had eating disorders but some did not, and claimed they were eating a healthy diet. But I would bet there are a few that are just eating really healthy and working hard to maintain a low body weight. Compared to the rest of the population that are continually shouting 'anorexic' at them, I bet a few are probably very healthy, and healthier than the majority of people their age. The anti-aging doctor Mario Kyriazis basically says that these skinny celebs will have lifespans that are around 50 years. He gave a life expectancy for Victoria Beckham of around 55 years. He said that be eating less and being skinny it would accelerate the aging process. Sure, we know that malnutrition is bad, but what we don't know is what EXACTLY do some of the celebs eat, maybe some of them do have proper nutrition and are in great health, then they're forced by the media to gain their weight back due to anxiety from the attention they're getting.

The attention I got from family and friends was huge when I hit my lowest weight with a BMI of 16.4, even TWO of my doctors said I was very healthy. I even said to them "How do you feel about my weight, Do you think I should gain some". They both said I was fine, and very healthy. This calmed my nerves a bit, but the stress I got from others moaning at me saying I was ill was quite immense. Now, no one says anything, in fact, just the other day some one said "he's not that skinny, i've seen much more skinny people" wow thats a first for me. Although I have gone up to 110 lbs and now stable weight again... maybe there is a different people can see. I'm happy anyway because I'm eating the exact same calories.

Curiously I went to google and typed in that doctors name, I then added 'calorie restriction' and found that HE himself recommended calorie restriction. Was he just paid by the production company to say what they wanted him to say?!

Anyway, rather than focusing on people being on the thin side, I think it's quite obvious that we have a MAJOR health disaster in the form of obesity going on. The media needs to stick with that.

note; Skinny don't always mean CR'd, but you can bet that skinny models, actresses and so on are probably CR'd. Whether they have good nutrition or not, I don't know. But most of time the media doesn't either.


There are celebs that do look quite good for their age, here is one and I think she is really hot in this video, even though she is actually around 38 years old! She is a size 4 apparently, so quite small, and has been 'dieting' for the majority of her life, and she eats very healthy and works hard to stay in good shape she says. Although she says she eats a cookie or something small everyday. You can see the results too, she looks at least 10 years younger or more, and very healthy. Plus this song is quite cool :D This is not saying she is on a 'CR' diet, but they have more incentive to keep looking good with diet. Eating a good diet usually leads to eating fewer calories.

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