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Thursday, August 20, 2009

But don't you feel hungry?

You might have come across a lot of new articles recently and in many of them there are usually coments by the author or readers that calorie restriction is an awful way to live, you have constant hunger, you feel depressed and lack energy. Well for those of us that are on CR most of us can honestly say this is just not true. I will address some common questions but take one question at a time in each post because I am quite busy at the moment.

Do you always feel hungry on a CR diet - Since I started Calorie Restriction many years ago I designed a diet that worked for me. When I see people on 'diets' who consume bland salads it becomes obvious to me why they're hungry, and why they crave something more. Usually you'll find a typical person on a diet with a plate consisting of; A tomato or two, a small handful for iceburg lettuce, a white potato, maybe an egg some tuna, and usually a bad choice of salad dressing that is very high in fat like mayonnaise.
(picture taken in 2006)
I must say if I tried to live off this kind of salad I would have dropped CR a long time ago. However the fact is that when I consume food during my first few years of CR when I ate, I really ate a BIG meal... and it was usually much more than anyone else at the table. This photo to the left is a comparison picture to dinner that my mother cooked. My meal is the mountain of food you can see. On this I would put a good quality extra virgin olive oil, good balsamic vinegar, hot tomato salsa, and some herbs. Sometimes I just put tomato sauce which is low in sugar and salt on my veggies and it tastes fine. Plus it gives me much lycopene ^^

Now I eat more 'raw food' CR diet, where at least 70% of my diet consists of raw fruits and vegetables, and for what evidence shows that cooked is better I go with that. Although my meals are not of the size that I used to eat before, I am still well satisfied with what I eat. I hardly ever have any issues with hunger. Even now I still eat more food (but low in calories) than everyone else in my house (not put together of course) People often say to me "Don't you feel like you're missing out on these foods?". The short answer is NO. I could have the same meal every single day and enjoy it so much over and over again. Since I started on CR my diet and variety of foods that I eat has hugely increased, I no longer crave any sweets or processed foods (other than dark chocolate :D ). Every food I eat I make sure I absolutely enjoy it... everyone can make CRON an enjoyable experience if they design the best diet for them. Also when you're on CR your abilty to taste the foods you eat is far better, this is what I have experienced...

Thats all for today, more soon :-)

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