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Thursday, August 27, 2009

But you're so skinny!

This can come up a lot when the average westener confronts a serious CRONie. Girls tend to get away with it easier than guys, but not always. We're always seeing the media bash celebrities for being too skinny, then when they have their personal nutritionists and trainers get them in shape the media bash them for being too skinny. Then it's not always the media that are against it, even now the general public are unfortunately 'accepting' overweight as being normal. I don't just mean normal, I mean in recent years the average weight has gone up so much that our perception of what is a normal weight has completely changed. This is even backed up by some science that was reported over the last few years.

Now we have to be honest, serious anti aging kind of CR is for those that wish to take part in some experiment that we may never know the results. However, the whole country could use some CR right now. We should not expect everyone to jump onto CR and go into moderate to severe CR, but even milder reductions would signifiant improve health, work productivity, education, relationships and take a huge amount of strain off of free health services like the NHS here in the UK (which by the way I think do a brilliant job and i'm so greatful to have free health care in my country!) Diseases that are on the rise are perfectly preventable, such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and most cancers. Even other mild problems like common allergies such as hay fever can be reduced by a better diet. I used to have severe hay fever for 6 years, and since CR it's 99% better. The odd couple days in the summer I have symptoms but thats about it!

As readers come across my blog they might think this life style is 'extreme'. It can be, but it can also help you maintain a normal weight at the low end of normal and have a huge benefit of preventing diseases so that you're living most of your life disease free, much like those okinawans who were mildly calorie restricted for half their adult lives.

Since I began CR the issue of weight has come up over and over again. Questions are usually raised in the first few months of your weight where people around you need time to adjust to your new weight. There have been many reports among those on CR that during the early phase of weight loss people have made negative comments, and even when they're within a perfectly normal BMI. This comes back to how peoples perception of what is normal has changed.

If at some point the 'magic pill' comes along where it gives all the benefits of CR without actually doing serious CR then I would take it, and I would definitely gain about 10-15 pounds of weight back. I have always been lean all my life, ever since I was kid.

There is no denying that many of us on CR are freakishly skinny, and without proper care of nutrition, frequent lab work and other monitoring it can be a bit risky... if not done right you should consider quitting CR and just eating a healthy diet with increased calories.

Since the new research has come out theres been far more interest than usual in CR. We now have a wider age range in those that are on CRON. Many years ago people who were middle aged were typically the ones who started this kind of lifestyle. Now people like myself who are in their 20's are looking to push the limits of human longevity even more. In time we'll see if it was all worth it. I have placed my bets on that it will work, and it will work very well... especially for those that started from a young age.

Stay young forever

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