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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My Selfish Post

A Picasso from the MOMA, NYC
One whole year, 80 separate posts, and numerous responses to comments and I’m still blogging.  Since entering this unfamiliar world I’ve acquired 163 followers (including Twitter and on site “Followers”), many virtual friends, and no doubt, many enemies, as not everyone agrees with my perspectives. I’ve learned as much from my readers and fellow bloggers as I have shared—of that I’m sure.

I’ve come to appreciate the blog community as a support group for readers, writers and my patients. And the blog (both mine and others I revere) has become a valuable resource to refer clients to, to help reinforce a point, to share a recipe, or a perspective, or mindfulness activities. 

Blogging began for selfish reasons. As I mentioned in an early post, I wanted to add support for a book proposal.  Through the twice-weekly posts, give or take, you’ve given me a lot of feedback. Now I’m revisiting the book idea—but with a different focus. 

And now I turn back to you. I’d love to hear more from you—my target readers—about what you value from these writings. 

No, I'm not writing a cookbook! 
But here's a view of part of my collection.
Do you have a favorite post or posts? Is there a message that sticks with you, that motivates you as you set out to meet your goals? Has this blog and its perspective shifted your perspective or your relationship with food at all?

If you could change anything about the blog, what would it be? I would so appreciate your guidance as I embark on my next stab at a book proposal. There, I’ve said it. Now I’ve got to work toward making it happen!

Thanks in advance for your help. Thanks for reading, for commenting, and for making me feel that it is worth the time and mental energy to pull off two posts a week, simply because it has moved a few souls to change and feel better. And thanks to my fellow bloggers and Twitter followers for their guidance, their promotion, their tweets and encouragement.

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