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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Stay Happy! How We Mirror Moods

Did you ever wake up, feeling rested and relaxed, ready to take on the world, and then BAM. You see your overly dramatic co-worker, who starts ranting about how stressed out she is, or the "energy vampire" in your life calls (you know the one I'm talking about) and you regret ever answering the phone. You suddenly feel exhausted, irritated, and downright miserable. You've just been mood-bombed.

Now let's flip the script. Ever have one of those days when it literally feels like the walls are crumbling around you? You know, the days you actually burst into tears on public transportation, or at your desk at work? Yeah, we've all been there. But then it happens. It's almost magical. You meet someone, or hear someone speak, who moves you. They literally get into your bones. It's electrifying. This person is so positive, so vibrant, and so upbeat that it feels like you just got a happiness injection.

Moods are contagious. Just like a cold. When you see someone do something, your brain has these little neurons that automatically mirror what's going on around you. So let's say you're feeling the funk, and someone comes flying into your house telling this great story, smiling and roaring with laughter. Chances are, you're gonna crack a smile. And it's gonna feel good. Same goes for someone who starts crying and frowning in front of you. Without even realizing it, you will start to frown too.

So the next time that energy vampire calls, or that nagging co-worker wants to go to lunch, think about it. Is that a disease you want to catch?

Here's to your happiness!

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