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Friday, September 20, 2013

Are You Your Own BFF?

When is the last time you dined by yourself at a gorgeous restaurant? Took yourself to a museum exhibit? Sat at a swanky hotel bar and had a dirty martini alone while listening to a live jazz band? 

There is something so rejuvenating about spending time with yourself. I've worked with countless women who are petrified of being alone - I'm talking petrified. When I encourage them to "date" themselves, they typically greet me with a myriad of excuses: they feel like everyone will stare at them, they're afraid to be alone with their thoughts, they don't have the time, they feel like they'll look too fat, too weird, too lonely. After some gentle prodding (read: ass kicking), I can usually get them to agree to spending at least some time with themselves. And guess what? Every single woman who does it becomes hooked. Their responses are usually along the lines of:
- "Wow that was so liberating!"
- "Holy sh*t, that was relaxing"
- "I seriously just got so many ideas for my business!"
- "I have never felt more creative"
- "Why didn't I do that sooner?"
This weekend, I want you to give this a whirl. And I don't mean running up to the supermarket alone in sweatpants and no makeup. I want you to plan something special for you and only you. I want you to wear an outfit that makes you feel amazing, blow out your hair, spritz on your favorite perfume, and take yourself on a full-fledged date. And when you're done, email me and let me know how it was.

Happy planning!


PS -- Want more assignments like this? Today is the LAST day of registration for my signature "Create Your Champagne Life" virtual group workshop! I won't be doing another one until January and frankly, that is just too long to wait to start designing your brand new, effervescent world. Want to know more? Email me and I will hook you up.

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