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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

WIAW #101: It's September!

How is it already September again? #mindblown

It's still summer weather, but fall is starting soonish/nowish. It's September!

Peas and Crayons

I hope we don't get another heat wave, a nice constant 70s for a while would be nice. You know, since the northeast doesn't seem keen on air conditioning.


Thank God for the delights of ice cream, frozen yogurt, and frozen fruit.

I think frozen berries go best with chocolate cake, some form of yogurt, and peanut butter.

Cereal doesn't hurt either. Nor does a good book.

Preferably in German, since I'm totally nostalgic for my time in Germany. Every time I go to visit, I just don't want to leave! I always end up wanting to move there and live there forever and ever!

Yes, it is.
But I love the US, too.

As you can tell by my very patriotic cake.

Pretty, no?

Okay, I won't take the credit - my mom made it. I'm not as great a cake decorator as she is.

But I'm great at eating up all of her berries while she's working.

Nom, nom, nom. Johanisbeeren are the best. Along with raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, (dried) cranberries, and strawberries.

Being more decisive probably wouldn't hurt.

I had some tomatoes.


So I made some salad.


Good-bye, tomatoes!

Snackity-snack time. Two different nutty granola bars, both delicious.

One of my favorite German cereals, with some yummy walnut butter (for those days when you're out of yogurt).

I miss quark! Why, oh why, is there no quark in the USA?

Amaretto cookies are okayish.

Not the best, but okay for snacking on while perusing a vegetarian cook book from my aunt. She's awesome.

But all good things go full circle - back to the same book and another bowl of random fruity, cerealy, dairy-ily deliciousness.

Half of those words aren't real. It's okay.


What's your favorite country to visit?

What's your favorite world cuisine?

Favorite baked good?

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