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Monday, December 16, 2013

When in Doubt, Recharge: 5 Ways to Boost Your Energy

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To say the past two months have been crazy would be an understatement. Between traveling overseas, coming home and getting sick, and planning 2014, I have been just a tad bit overwhelmed. I am currently in "yes" mode, meaning that I'm saying yes to everything that aligns with my vision (both personally and professionally) and figuring out the details afterward. Fortunately, there are a lot of things that fit with that vision. Unfortunately, I am still a one-woman show working a full-time job. 

And yesterday the reality of doing it all came crashing down on me. I was exhausted, I felt myself getting sick again, and I was indulging in the Sunday Blues. Do I really have to trek into my job  tomorrow in the freezing cold? God, am I really getting sick AGAIN? I am so sore from that damn Yoga flow video. Why do I bother? I was in full-on pity party mode and not even a big fat glass of red was going to pull me out of it. 

So what did I do? I dug deep and imagined what I'd tell you gals. I turned inward and figured out exactly what it would take to reset my system, both physically and mentally, and I did it. And I'm going to share it with you.

1. Take the day off: Call out sick, cancel dinner plans, leave the dishes in the sink. The only way to stop the train into Crazyville is to pull it into the station and take a serious time-out. If you keep pushing, you will crash and burn.

2. Ask for what you need: I knew I was on the edge yesterday so I called my mom and told her I was turning my phone off and she could call my husband's phone if she needed me. I told my husband I needed to be alone. Ask for what you need. Your loved ones will understand.

3. Unplug: I say this over and over again, but it bears repeating. Log off Facebook, stop checking Instagram, and power down the laptop. We are constantly alerted and pulled in by technology and it can make you bat shit crazy if you don't manage it. Step away from the electronics and go bake a cake or something.

4. Pamper yourself: This one seems obvious but it works miracles. A hot bath with lavender oil and Epsom salts can seriously keep you from committing homicide. Go get a massage, a manicure, or whatever is within your budget and schedule. Allow yourself to relax and be in the moment.

5. Sleep! Last night I went to bed at 8:30 pm and I woke up at 7:30 pm. I slept 11 hours and woke up feeling like a new woman. So many of us underestimate the power of a good night's rest, but you've got to do sleep or your body and brain will never have a chance to recharge. 

Struggling with finding balance in your life? Need some fabulous accountability partners to help you slow down, breathe, and actually start living? Then you don't want to miss the 2014 "Sparkling Start" virtual group workshop. Click here to learn more.

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