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Saturday, March 3, 2007

Sad day

My dog is dead at 19y 3m :(

He was ok this morning and moving fine... then I went upstairs to check my emails and he couldn't get up because his front poor was all floppy. Couldn't use it at all. So he had weak back legs, and weak front leg and this just totally made him unable to do much at all. It sucks, but I just gotta try get on with things now... its just a little weird already as i've grew up always having him around. He had a good personallity and he was quite an intelligent little dog too! He was just getting too old, and we knew that the time for him to go could have been real soon. For at least a year now we were expecting him to not last that much longer. I tried to prepare myself for this buts its quite hard when it actually happens. My father and sister took him to the vets to get put to sleep but didn't watch it happen. I couldn't go, the last time I seen him was at around 3:30pm today. He was in pain as he was barking a lot and wouldn't let anyone touch him, even my father who always have looked after him the most. So it was sad that it ended not quietly but quite a struggle to settle him down as he was going crazy. He didn't want to be touched at all. Now I have this weird phycological thing going when I hear a dog bark or something outside it keeps reminding me of lucky. Hes not in a better place, he doesn't exist anymore :(

Aging sucks! argh!!!

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