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Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday MOETivation: The Spiritual Bitch

I started reading Deepak Chopra's "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success" this morning. Now, before you go rolling your eyes and handing me a yoga mat, please understand this: I am not one of those hoity toity crazy meditating bitches. I do not set aside two hours a day to silence, and I sure as hell am not calm. But I'm working on it.

What inspired me to read this book was the fact that I could relate to it. I've been struggling lately with the word "success," and anything you read about success has to do with money and business 99% of the time. So when I saw that there was a spiritual take on it, I was in.

The word "success" can have many definitions. According to the dictionary, success is "the accomplishment of an aim or purpose." But what does that really mean? Are you successful when you are doing what you love? Do you have to be making money at what you love to really be successful? Are you successful because you have a big title at your job? Are you successful because you raised your child to be a law abiding citizen as opposed to a serial killer? Or is success just being able to pay your rent and bills?

Chopra has a really interesting point of view on spiritual success and it's something we should all pay attention to. In short, he wants us to look beyond the material wealth of success. He wants us to view success as the "experience of the miraculous." That means putting aside all the big houses, fancy cars, and shallow aspects of success, and finding the creativity and divinity within us. Success is about creating and cultivating fulfilling relationships, maintaining good health, and having energy and enthusiasm for life. DING DING DING! 

I literally felt as if a giant weight was lifted off my shoulders as I read that. I think we get so caught up in defining ourselves, our careers, and our passions by tangible items that we often lose sight of what really matters. I have definitely gotten caught in that vicious cycle more times than I can count. I do not make a living off The Champagne Diet, yet I continue to work hard by using this blog as an expression of myself and my creativity in order to connect with everyone who reads it. That is what matters to me. Would it be lovely to give up my day job and have a stream of income to do this all the time? Absolutely. But that is not the driving force behind it. And it never will be.

So I encourage you to really think about what success means to you today. If you can let go of all the BS and really get in tune with the creativity and passion deep inside of you, I guarantee you will uncover something amazing.


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