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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Protein Pancakes (C1)

Protein Pancakes (C1)
Author Unknown 
(probably because so many of us have had our hand in it and added this, changed that, etc.!)

This will be a recipe that is a work-in-progress with new ideas and information about it. Keep checking back!

Yes! You are reading that right!!!

PANCAKES in Cycle 1.  Totally cycle compliant.

Excited yet?  These are G-R-E-A-T!!!!

Be sure and read the notes after the directions!

2 eggs
1 scoop protein powder, flavored
1-2 tsp oil (olive oil, definitely not vegetable oil!)
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon (optional)

Combine all ingredients and mix well.  I whisk the protein powder in slowly so as to avoid the batter being lumpy.

Cook these as you would any regular pancakes.


This recipe makes between 4 and 8 pancakes depending on the consistency of the pancakes and how large you make them.

I used extra large brown, cage-free eggs (which tend to have more white to them, in my opinion) and the batter was a bit runny.  What I did the second time I made them was I used 1 1/2 scoops of protein powder and made the baking powder a heaping teaspoon -- that solved the consistency issue as well as made them nice and fluffy.

These can be topped with strawberries, fruit jam/jelly (sugar-free), blueberries, etc.  What I did with my blueberries was to microwave to get them extra soft, then crushed most of them with a fork and put them on top of my pancakes.

You can also add fruit to the pancakes when you're cooking.  I would not advise you to add the fruit to the batter, but to put them on top once you've spooned them onto your frying pan.  I think I prefer to have the fruit on top and not inside, but you decide what you like!

I added 2 Tbsp of cottage cheese to the batter the second time making it for more protein. Very good!

Calorie Information:

If using the ingredients as stated above, these are 370 calories for the entire recipe.

If you use only 1 tsp of oil, the calories are 330.

If you use 1 tsp of oil and 2 Tbsp of cottage cheese, the calories are 355.

Here's a couple of photos of the pancakes!

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