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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

WIAW #99: Euro-Style

This WIAW uses old photos (and a few web photos), since I've been photographing everything on my cell phone but - alas - just realized that I'm out of coverage here in Europe, so I can't email the photos to myself without racking up obscene roaming charges.

My European eats look somewhat different from my US eats (no green smoothies, nooooooooo - how I miss my blender) but they're also very tasty. I love German food!

Peas and Crayons

Because there are no green smoothies to start the day, I've been starting the day with muesli and Broetchen.

The muesli above is pictured with regular lowfat milk, but I really like mixing it up sometimes with buttermilk or yogurt. Yum!

Sometimes I have knuspermuesli (aka granola) with seeds and yogurt.

Somehow the dairy tastes different here - and even more delicious!

In Germany, I have Broetchen several times a week. But Saturday Broetchen are the best, because they're always fresh from the baker!

Pretzel Buns
From Fork, Spoon, Knife

Lunch (Mittagsessen) is the cooked meal of the day, always followed by some tasty dessert like a compote and pudding.

What's for lunch varies, but vegetarian bratwurst with fresh potatoes and a side of sauerkraut or some sort of pasta dish appear pretty frequently on the menu.

In the middle/late afternoon, there's coffee (tea, in my case) and cake.

slice of double chocolate cake
From Alexandra Cooks
Also, random shoutout to German chocolate: it's awesome.

In a country where the bread is so ridiculously amazing that you really can't believe it until you try it, what better way to end the day than with a bread-y Abendbrot

With chocolate is always tasty, as is with Ovomaltine spread or Nutella (or the Aldi knockoff, which I almost like better - I think I actually like the Milkyway version better than either of those last two options, though the Ovomaltine chocolate spread is my favorite).

With the heat we've been having, late night snacks of chilled fruit or ice cream are the best.

Frozen strawberries and quark
Then again, fruits and ice cream are always pretty up there in deliciousness.

What are you up to this week?

Where in the world are you right now?

How does your daily diet change when you travel?

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