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Monday, October 14, 2013

The Road Less Traveled...

There's a term I learned very early on in life, thanks to my mother. She taught me what "the courage of my convictions" meant, and I credit that lesson for sparking so much curiosity and bravery throughout my life.

As a woman who has defiantly challenged and rejected the status quo, I can't even begin to tell you how much that lesson my mother taught me has come into play lately. I've done things that don't "fit" in the traditional sense. I've pursued things that may seem frivolous or silly to others. I've pushed all the crap away to make myself the priority. I've worked hard to design a life that is anything but ordinary, and I'm still working on making it even more extraordinary.

If someone had asked me at 8-years-old where I thought I’d be at 33, my answer would have been instantaneous and fervent: living with a husband, three kids, five horses, and a pink Barbie car. But here I am, navigating a life that is so far away from what I had imagined for myself. And to be honest with you, I could not be happier. I am married, but my husband and I aren't planning for children or applying for mortgages. We're doing other things; things that are authentic to us. This isn't to say those things are better or worse, it's just what makes sense for our lives.

I also happen to notice that this really seems to confuse many people. I'm constantly questioned about when I'm having kids, why I've chosen not to have kids yet, when I'm planning to buy a house, and so on. The fact that I've carved out my own unique path seems to inspire some, and mystify others.

And I can't help but wonder, why is this such a big deal? Why is it so strange to go against the grain? We have so many opportunities in this world, and I plan to eat up every single one that I can get my hands on. And I encourage you to do the same. Screw the biological clock. If you aren't ready for children, don't let the world convince you that you need them. If you haven't found the man who loves you unconditionally and makes your stomach flip flop, don't marry him. And if you have a serious case of wanderlust, travel the fucking world. A mortgage is a headache anyway. Don't let the world determine who or where you should be.

No matter what road you travel, make sure it's the one that lights you on fire. Don't waste your heart or your talents. Living an authentic life isn't selfish. It's life-saving.

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