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Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday Foodie Finds #33

February is Heart Health month - so this Friday Foodie Finds features heart healthy recipes that will make looking out for your heart's health delicious!

Allison's No-Bake Blueberry Bars (V, R, GF)

Talk about a yummy breakfast food! These pancakes look amazing, too!

Midwest Living's Four Grain Pancakes

Flax, oats, wheat germ, and whole grain flour make these great for fueling your ticker well!

But heart-healthy yummies aren't limited to breakfast. There are plenty of great lunch options, too!


And is there anyone else out there who's super in love with orange foods? I swear I'm going to turn orange from all the sweet potatoes, carrots, sundried tomatoes, and squash that sneak onto my plate every day. But it'll be worth it ;)

Better Homes and Garden Sweet Potato Fries (V)

But you know me. I can't ignore dessert. So here's a heart healthy treat to add a sweet ending to your meal!

Heart Healthy Living's Mocha Pudding Cake

It's hard to believe that decadent dessert is heart-healthy, but so it is - proof that heart healthy can be delicious, too!

Like this raw, organic, gluten-free, paleo, macrobiotic granola from The Purest Way!

Chef Angela Webster  hand-makes all dairy-free, sugar-free, soy-free, grain-free, gluten-free, non-GMO, and organic treats that are prepared with both nutrition and taste in mind!

While the granola isn't particularly low carb (it's dressed with honey - or maple syrup if you ask for the vegan version - and has dates and mulberries) it's gluten-free and grain-free, so people following a paleo diet or with gluten intolerance can enjoy it, too! It's all 100% raw and 100% organic, made with only the best quality ingredients.

Which pays off in tastiness! Macadamia nuts and dates are the predominant flavors, but you can taste all of the delicious nuts and seeds. I really like the addition of the white mulberries, they go excellently with the almonds and sunflower seeds! 

Anyway, with all of those healthy fats this granola from The Purest Way makes for a very heart-healthy breakfast! 

You can also check out the Groovy Gourmet website for a vegan nacho cheese kale recipe and other good stuff!

Which recipe looks best to you?

What's your favorite heart healthy food?

What's your go-to breakfast at the moment?

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