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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

WIAW #50

This is my last WIAW in NYC, as next WIAW I'll be heading home!

Peas and Crayons

I'm busy out and about getting stuff done and wrapped up, so I don't have much time to put together a well-thought-out WIAW. So this is just a random, fun photo dump without much blah-blah-blah.

So first, here's something that I've been eating a lot of lately - a tasty tortilla with melted chocolate and frozen raspberries!

How can you not love it? I alternated what chocolate I used - sometimes a chocolate bar (varying vegan chocolate companies), sometimes chocolate chips, sometimes carob chips, sometimes chocolate chunks - but it was consistently delightful.

Above: peanut flour, coconut oil, cacao powder, protein powder, mixed up into a cookie dough like confection. So good that you only get a picture of the last spoonful :)

Above: Ramen with cheezy green beans and a side of salad with mustard and oil.

Whenever I have salad, I tend to go with this brand:

It's not cheap (3 or 4 dollars per bag!) but it's a lot more convenient than the unprepared produce and it's consistently fresh - when I tried buying the unprepared greens, I could never find a bunch of greens that wasn't either coated in a ton of dirt, wilting, or had really hard leaves.

So far, the freshness guarantee has held true for Fresh Express!

A salad with fruit, ground flax, almond milk poured over it (sounds weird, but so good when you add a splash of olive oil and pair it with caramel and chocolate soy nut butter on the side):

I hadn't eaten much of peas in years, but this summer I've been crazy for them! And BEANS.

I've been eating a WHOLE CAN of beans EVERY DAY - what can I say? They're practical, tasty, and taste delicious with chocolate soy butter, half-melted peanut butter, caramel, ground flax seeds, and peas, as shown below:

Pasta is still not a fave of mine, but it is convenient, too, as it just boils itself while you do whatever.

Above: Ramen with roasted cauliflower and cheeze (underneath, but you can see a bit stuck to the fork).

Instagram love above - and Instagram love (and baking and chocolate love!) below:

I haven't had a single audition all week, le sigh, so what to do but bake?

Above: my newest discovery.

Simple ingredients, and tasty crumbled over rice with soy sauce.

Can you believe it had been months since I had a pickle? Situation remedied.

Above: A random cheezy stirfry.

And the kabocha and frozen fruit addictions continue...

Cheezy stir fry on romaine with mustard.

So much nooch has been consumed in this last month of increased vegan-friendliness.

That sounds weird.

And the pickles make an appearance!

If you haven't mixed almond butter with peanut flour, DO IT NOW.

I've also been enjoying a lot of new (to me) bars, but that post is for tomorrow :) Ta-ta for now!

Oh, and don't forget to enter my virgin coconut oil giveaway!

If you're a student, when does your summer internship/job wrap up?

To you, when does summer end and fall start?

What's your favorite bar?

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