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Monday, January 14, 2013

2 Little Words: Patience and Faith

Ever have one of those days where your brain literally feels like scrambled eggs? One minute, you're sure you're on the right path, feeling confident and calm. And in the next minute, you're questioning every decision you've ever made, filled with stress and anxiety.

That was the other day for me.

It was the perfect storm of it being a Monday, and not having enough sleep. I was exhausted, anxious, and just not feelin' it. My brain jumped from thought to thought, obsessively looking at every detail of my life and picking apart everything I felt was wrong with it.

My commute is so long. Should I just be living closer to work?

But why would you move closer to work if you want to eventually leave to run your business full-time?

Will you ever even GET to run your business full-time? That's not practical, Cara!

How can you leave your health insurance?

You haven't been to the gym in four days, you really need to get on a better schedule.

Finally, I forced myself to meditate at my desk for a few moments (a task I am still learning). As I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths, I remembered something I once told a good friend when she was going through an anxious time in her life. "Patience and faith" rang through my head and suddenly I felt an overwhelming sense of calm. Those two little words held so much meaning for me in that moment.

We shouldn't try to control every single moment of the day. We can't plan things out perfectly. Life has a way of handing you exactly what you need, when you need it.

And where you are right now, is exactly where you are supposed to be.

I talk a lot about persevering, pushing, trying every avenue, openings doors when they are closed in your face. And we absolutely should be working as hard as possible as often as we can. But there's a part of this plan that we just need to trust. We need to believe The Universe is working in our favor. We need to believe that good things are coming.

We need to have patience, and faith.

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