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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Liebster Award

Devon at Health in Equilibrium nominated me for this award in December, but I've just been so busy that it's slipped under my radar. But better late than never, right?


1.  Write 11 random facts about yourself
2.  Answer the 11 questions given by the blogger who nominated you
3.  Create 11 new questions
4.  Nominate 11 bloggers and mention them in the post
5.  Thank the blogger who nominated you and tell the bloggers you've nominated

So, 11 random facts about me...

1.  I love reading novels - especially chick lit and middle grade fiction (mainly because I enjoy writing the latter).

2.  Red used to be my favorite color, but now it's becoming blue.

3.  The walls of my bedroom at home are still pink. Thank God my mom wouldn't let me get the hot pink I wanted when I was would probably be pretty torturous to still live in a Barbie box.

4.  I have two awesome sisters, a little one and a big one.

5.  I've been blogging for about 1.5 years and made the transition towards a more review-heavy blog about 3/4 of a year ago - I love it, because I'm super opinionated :P

6. I love yogurt, granola, dried fruit, nuts/nut butter messes...but that's not really news to most of you, is it?

7. I interned in Germany last fall!

I promise I didn't go just for the amazing bread ;)

8.  I have a HUGE sweet tooth and think most things taste better topped with ice cream or covered in chocolate. It's just the truth, isn't it?

9.  I'm obsessed with Christmas. Like, OBSESSED. The Christmas music starts playing nonstop by Columbus Day (yes, that's right at the start of October - no shame).

10.  I love high heels but can't stand wearing them for much more than fifteen minutes at a time ><

11.  I love aesthetically-pleasing movies, like How The Grinch Stole Christmas (the Jim Carrey version). The magic of beautiful cinematography and set design/costumes is breath-taking!

Devon's Questions:

1.  If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?
My favorite place to revisit again and again is Germany (Niedersachsen!) but I'd still really like to see Paris, Italy, and Fiji.

2.  What is your favourite bizarre food combo?
All of my food combos are probably bizarre to someone. I think sweet potato with chocolate and peanut butter is amazing and then there are those delightful yogurt messes...

3.  Night in with movies and candy OR night out with on the town?
Definitely night in with movies and ICE CREAM :) How is that even a question?

4.  What is something adventurous/spontaneous that you have done lately?
I tried snorkeling for the first time over break. It was really fun!

5.  What is your biggest pet peeve?
Gross body sounds - like people sniffing, coughing, and clearing their throats incessantly in the library - when I'm trying to study.

6.  What is something you are afraid of?
Vomit(ing). It freaks me out.

7.  Dog person or cat person?

8.  What is your favourite alcoholic beverage (or non-alcoholic if you don't drink)?
I love tea. For celebrations, I guess I'll go with sparkling cider (and my favorite soda is ginger ale).

9.  If you could live in any other city, which would it be?
New York!!! Or Los Angeles or London.

10. Where is your favourite place that you have traveled to so far?
Germany :)

11.  You are making a sandwich and can only include your 4 favourite ingredients. Go!
Thickly sliced whole grain bread, lots of peanut butter, honey, and something for crunch - this is cheating (since it's two) but wheat germ and walnuts on that = AMAAAAZING.

Instead of nominating some other bloggers (because I just can't ever follow the rules) I encourage all of you to answer some of the questions in the comments below! I'm also not going to ask any questions, as I'd rather hear what question you want to answer.

Feel free to participate on your blogs, too (leave the link if you do, I'd love to read your response)!

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