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Friday, May 17, 2013

How I Lost Over 20 Pounds Without a "Diet"

My experience with dieting and weight loss has been a seemingly never-ending roller coaster ride. Up 10 pounds, down 15. Up 10 again. I lived in a world of extremes. It has always felt like I was either starving myself, in what felt like "diet jail," or in party mode eating everything I could get my hands on because I was finally "allowed" after I decided the diet was over. 

Sound familiar?

About 6 years ago, I lose 30 pounds just by changing my attitude toward food and life. I learned how to truly eat for my health, by incorporating whole, real, foods into my diet with an emphasis on organic wherever possible. I stopped eating anything processed, which included all those frozen diet meals I was previously living off (hello Weight Watchers pizzas!). I also decided I wasn't going to give up my favorite things, which included wine and champagne (and that occasional plate of salty french fries). Out of that experience, The Champagne Diet was born.

I kept that weight off for years -- until I got married, was juggling a full-time job, going to school at night, and building my business, all at the same time. Stress got the best of me and before I knew it, almost all of that weight came right back on. I remember looking at a photo of myself one day thinking, "Who is that girl?"

I knew something had to be done, and I also knew I was done with diets forever. I sure as hell wasn't calling Jenny this time. I immediately decided to truly start living "The Champagne Diet" again because I knew it worked. I figured, if I can do this again by doing what I did last time, then I truly had something here. 

The first thing I had to do was change my mindset. I couldn't panic, and I couldn't set time lines. I just had to make the decision to manage my stress and fill my world with healthy, delicious foods again. There was no time for laziness. It became my job to retrain myself how to eat for my health and overall wellness. And you know what? It was so much easier than I thought. Whole Foods became my playground again, and before I knew it, the weight was coming off. But more importantly, I was becoming happier and calmer than ever before. This time around, I experimented with eating a vegan diet, which I followed for about 2 months. I didn't stay with it for various reasons, but I don't consider myself a failure at all. Eating vegan helped me to incorporate some really healthy habits into my life, and I am forever grateful for that.

I've lost 22 pounds so far, and I am still working on about another 10 to get to my "happy place" where I look and feel best, but there's no rush for me. It's not about a size jeans or a number on the scale. It's about feeling healthy, hot, and happy. And I want to teach you to do the same.

My "Healthy is the New Skinny" 8 week phone workshop kicks off on Tuesday. I am assembling an amazing group of empowered, motivated women who want to learn to break the diet chain and start eating for their health. We're going to learn to celebrate ourselves and our bodies NOW, not 10 pounds from now. We're going to vow to buy ourselves cute clothes no matter what size we are, because if we don't look good, we won't feel good, and you've got to feel good to treat your body well.

If you want to learn more about the workshop, click here or email me.

Invest in yourself. You deserve nothing less.


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