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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I Love Being a Girl

I love being a girl.

Pearls, lingerie, sexy panties, perfume, flowers, jewels, shoes, bags, the whole nine yards. There's nothing like looking and feeling beautiful. But I've noticed when I'm overworked and overtired, all of those things fall to the wayside. 

A couple of months ago, I was super stressed. Trying to do it all, and feeling like I was failing miserably made me want to dive head first into a plate of Chinese food night after night. I gained weight. I started wearing sports bras on a daily basis (yes, me!) and I really didn't put much effort into my outfits. I hated who I was becoming because it was just not me. I felt like I stopped harnessing all my feminine energy and I was burning out fast. Sometimes when we're working so hard at our jobs and in our business, our masculine energy can take over, and mine definitely was. And it was making me miserable.

After a serious self-care revamp, I emerged sexier, more confident, and more girly than ever before. I stocked up on all new makeup, totally switched up my diet and made sure everything I put in my body was Champagne Diet approved, bought new clothes including pretty panties and bras, and most importantly -- reconnected with myself. I learned that my strong and powerful qualities were amazing assets when balanced with my soft, vulnerable side. I realized that I don't have to "do it all" and constantly be in control. I can be the damsel in distress once in a while, and be okay with that. Sometimes, someone else can take care of me.

Making sure I spent time relishing in all my girly goodness helped me to channel that feminine energy that was eluding me. I felt playful. I felt sexy. And I never felt better.

So if you're feeling blah, I encourage you to indulge in some serious Girl Time. Go out and get a massage, get dressed up all by yourself in your apartment and cook yourself a fabulous dinner while sipping on champagne, or go buy new lingerie. Ask for help. Take a time-out from the power-housing. Whatever it takes to help you flex that feminine flair, do it.

And don't forget to wear your pearls.

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