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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Hawaiian Granola Bars

Anahola Granola has been making handmade granola and granola snacks in Hawaii since 1986. They use fresh, local ingredients and no preservatives to bring Hawaiian flavors to the mainland. I tried their MacaMania bars.

I found the name a little misleading at first, so I want to clarify: the 'maca' in the name refers to the macadamia nuts in the bars, not the superfood root Maca. There is no Maca in these bars.

But there is Anahola granola - it's a true granola bar in that these bars are essentially compressed granola.

They have plenty of healthful whole food ingredients and go for the natural option whenever possible. With the vanilla extract and the sweetness of the bars, they can definitely double as a healthier treat (or a gateway to health food bars for those who are just staring their healthy living journey).

The bars are crunchy with a little chew, like thick oatmeal cookies. The addition of the macadamia nuts to all of the bars definitely adds that exotic flavor that makes you think of the islands!

The Tropical bar has yummy papaya and pineapple in there, too, so it's really a tropical treat.

For an even more exotic flavor, the Mango Ginger bar strikes a great balance between sweet-tangy tropical fruits, the smooth macadamia nut flavor, and an unexpected spice twist from the ginger.

The coconut really rounds it out!

It does the same in the Chocolate Chip bar.

Chocolate and coconut were made to be together. It's a match made in heaven, as the evil geniuses behind Girl Scout Samoa/Caramel Delite Cookies know!

Anahola Granola has recently resized all of their bars, so now these yummy treats have nutritional stats that are in line with major granola bar competitors - but they pack a hearty crunch and exotic flavor that's a little harder to find!

For a snack that tastes like a treat, 2g of fiber and only 12g of sugar isn't bad at all. It's a snack that will keep you going, whether you're boogie-boarding in Hawaii or working 9 to 5!

What's your favorite granola bar flavor?

What's been your go-to snack lately?

What was the first healthy food that you liked?

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