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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

WIAW #81

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This week WIAW is Instagram style again!

Peas and Crayons

Instagram is definitely one of those tech trends (like Twitter and Macs) that I thought I wouldn't like and ended up LOVING.

Cinnamon Roll Quest Bar
Melted Quest Bars are similar. I mean, I didn't think I wouldn't like them melted, I just didn't think microwaving them would make them that much better.

I mean, they're already so good. How much better could they get?

Chocolate Brownie Quest Bar
The answer: BLISSFULLY BETTER! Now I bemoan the many boxes of Quest Bars I have enjoyed without microwaving the bars first... 

Le sigh.

Like adding greek yogurt mixed with whipped cream to a yummy ice cream mess. It's just so good.

Ditto to any form of chocolate, like this scrumptious brownie.

But old stand-bys are great, too. Hello, yogurt mess. I'm glad you're a part of my daily noms.

And I just had to throw in that photo of chocolate protein pancakes. I'm not the best protein pancake maker (I'm much better at regular pancakes, my protein pancakes are always a hot mess), but I made the impromptu decision to try them again - on a school day, when I didn't have much time before I needed to head off to class. 

But guess what?

It worked! 

Sabrina: 1
Protein Pancakes: 0

A non-instagram close-up, after enjoying a few bites of pancake and post-syrup addition
How do you like me now?

My mom says I can get competitive with anything. Apparently that even extends to breakfast :P

Anyway, now that I'm a real grown up with a real apartment, it's about time that I eventually start the whole cheese-and-crackers thing.

I hosted a Rumiano Cheese giveaway in the fall, in honor of Non-GMO month (all of their cheese are non-GMO!) but I just tried it now. I tried six of their organic flavors - mild cheddar, sharp cheddar, medium cheddar, mozzarella, monterey jack, and colby.

Not only are the cheeses good for us and the environment, but they're also creamy and  delicious! Here are the cheddars (in the same order as they are on the picture):

So good, such a tasty plate! As you can see, all of the cheeses are their natural color, with no additives. There also aren't any flavor additives, so the cheeses are pretty mild in flavor. Even the sharp cheddar is on the milder side, but they're delicious and the creaminess is spot-on.

The non-cheddar varieties are great for a grown-up evening of cheese and crackers.

Of the three, my favorite is the monterey jack - but even the mozzarella is flavorful in a stand-alone kind of way.

Mozzarella can sometimes be watery and bland, but that's definitely not the case here. This is one of the best mozzarellas I've ever had. It's not at all rubbery or flat in flavor, it's delightfully creamy and smooth.

Pair with a little green for a pretty little snack (not that little, obviously I made more crackers after).

YUM. If I put these on a fancy platter instead of an old rabbit plate (see the odd blue rabbit in the middle?) these would be great for a foodie treat on girl's night!

If you'd like to try any of their organic, non-GMO cheese, here's a coupon you can use for $1 off!

What trends did you catch on late to?

Do you use instagram? If you live your instagram name, I'll follow you!

What's your favorite kind of cheese?

Do you do girl's night? In or out?

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