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Monday, April 8, 2013

Now You Know My ABCs

It's survey time!

Addictions: Apples, Ice Cream, Yogurt, Granola, Nut Butters, Bars, Chocolate, Dried Fruits, Novels, Chick Flicks, Travel, Fashion...I'll stop now.

Bed size: Queen 

Chore you hate:  Cleaning the shower

Dogs or cats: 2 cats, Luna and Tinker! I'm 100% a cat person and not at all a dog person.

Essential start of your day: Breakfast! I cannot function without breakfast. Ever since I started blogging, I also tend to start the day with a bit of bloggy business (posts, social media, etc.).

Favorite color: Probably pink! But if glitter were a color, it would sooooo be glitter.

Gold or silver: Usually silver, because gold can easily look tacky. But well-done gold can be great!

Height: 5'4"

Instruments you play (or have played): I played the cello and the piano, both briefly and both not well.

Jobs titles you've had: Babysitter, cashier, fry girl, soft serve server, game room proctor, computer room proctor, circulation desk assistant, freelance entertainment writer, and now I'm trying to make the actress/model/blogger thing happen. Author would be super cool, too. 

Kids: Haha, NO. I'm 19, y'all. My little sister is enough for me!

Live: Somerville, MA

Mom’s name: Ute

Nickname: It used to be D (my dad's) or Banana (my sister's) but now I don't really have one.

Overnight hospital stays: none, but I've stayed overnight in the health center in high school (I went to boarding school).

Pet peeve:  Gross noises (throat clearing, incessant sniffing, crunching veggies loudly), obnoxious gum smacking.

Quote from a movie: I can't think of one right now!

Right or left handed: Right handed (I know, I'll never be a witch)

Siblings: 2: 2 sisters (21 and 7)

Time you wake up: Rather inconsistent at the moment, but usually around 6 or 7.

Underwear: Yes? 

Vegetables you dislike: Peppers (especially raw, but even cooked isn't great), beets

What makes you run late: malfunctioning alarm clocks and WIAW 

X-rays you’ve had done: teeth, ovaries, and I think that's it.

Yummy food you make: Everyone loves my sourdough bread, my scones, and my Anzac biscuits, but my favorite thing that I make is roasted kabocha! I'm also pretty good at microwave cakes, pancakes, cookies, kale chips, sweet potato fries, lentil burgers, mujaderrah, pasta sauce, pizza, quiche, veggie sides, etc.

Zoo animal: Hmm, I'm not a huge zoo person. I just love cats :)

What are your ABCs? If you have a blog and you do this survey, please leave the link here. I'd love to learn your ABCs, too!

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