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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Pep in My Step: A Giveaway

When the folks at QVC reached out to me a while ago to review their Re-Body with Svetol supplement, I hesitated a little.

1) I don't generally take supplements.

2) Diet fads, like green bean coffee extract and raspberry ketones, tend to be overrated and about as useful as snake oil.

3) I'm not in about the middle of the healthy weight range for my height, so there's no pressing need for me to lose weight.

Then again, I had put on an extra ten or so pounds above my normal weight during the ultra-busy semester, full of convenience foods and maybe a processed snack too many (not to mention that nightly ice cream habit). So why not? At worst, it would do nothing (or so I figured) since the supplements they offer don't have weird fillers or extra chemicals - just green bean coffee extract and rice bran.

So, er, caffeine?

I'm sure there's supposed to be more to the supplements than that, but you'll have to check Dr. Oz out if you want more info.

Here's what I think of it: a 30 day supply (60 capsules, you take one twice per day before meals) is about $30 dollars, so that averages out to about a dollar a day. Not obscene, but not it's not dirt cheap, either.

I didn't lose any weight on it, which I can't say I'm surprised about. I didn't change my diet at all or do exercise, I was just testing the effect of the pills, and there wasn't any in terms of weight. They actually caused me to bloat a little bit, which is sort of counterproductive for someone who's actually trying to lose.

On the upside, I did feel like I had more energy when I took them. The mid-afternoon slump didn't hit as hard and sometimes it didn't hit at all. I wasn't tired at all in the evening, so much so that I even had a bit of trouble with getting to sleep.

If you're already an insomniac, you might want to be careful about that.

If I were a big coffee drinker, I think these would have absolutely no point for me. The only effect that I saw was the increased energy, which I would attribute to the caffeine. Since I can't stand the aftertaste of coffee (though I love the smell and coffee-flavored treats are a definite go in my book) they were a bit useful in giving me that extra bit of caffeinated energy to pull through a never-ending midterm period.

If you want to try the supplements yourself, they're offering one bottle of 60 capsules (just like I reviewed) to a lucky LLE reader. You have two weeks to enter through Rafflecopter (below) for your chance to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Also, a call for guest bloggers: does anyone want to help me out over these next few weeks? I'm super busy with exams and would really appreciate some guest blog posts! Either comment on this post or email me at livinglearningeating AT gmail DOT com

 Do you take any supplements? When I was little I used to take fish oil and I still take multivitamins now and then, but no supplements regularly.

Have you tried Green Bean Coffee Extract?

Do you drink coffee?

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