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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

WIAW 85: A snack-y day

Happy WIAW!

This month is theme-less (but I'm pretty delinquent when it comes to themes anyway), so I'll share what's actually pretty close to a day's eats (a few are missing, but these are all from one day)!

That's pretty rare for me :P

Missing #1: A granola bar

I woke up early and needed to finish a paper outline for a class before anything else, so I had a granola bar and a mixed berry green smoothie in a bowl (made with a spoonful of Polaner's mixed berry jam for extra yum factor) right off the bat.

Once the outline was finished, my stomach was growling again - and I wanted some sweet beans!

With fruit, some chopped veggies, and a few R.A.W. coconut macaroons - yum.

Missing #2: A chunk of baguette

I was still pretty busy when lunch time rolled around, so I had some (canned) soup with a bit of salad, radishes, and (unpictured) the butt of a baguette with some margarine.

Later, I had a chobani with granola, fruits, nut butter, roasted chickpea snacks (a BUNCH), and an Arctic Zero bar.

Some time later, this happened:

Veggies, fruits, knockoff chocolate toffee 'nutella', and a chocolate Smart for Life protein bar.

A microwave cake in the early evening, with more fruit (wow, this was a very fruit-y day!)...

...and a handful of Heaven Mountain Goji Berries.

They're the Dragon Herbs brand and probably my favorite kind, because they're super plump and flavorful, not dry and wrinkly as goji berries can often be.

But they don't add any sugar or oils to get the berries to be so plump and delicious, so they must just dry them differently.

Whatever they do, it works!

Missing #3: This again (so x2)

Kabocha with walnut butter, a Detour protein bar, and some Brother's All Natural Strawberry Fruit Crisps were the last proper meal. I had that x2.

Missing #3: A Cookie, A Handful of Almonds, and Vanilla Bean Haagen Dazs

That was right before bed - yum!

What's the yummiest thing you've eaten today?

Do you prefer a day of eats for WIAW (like above) or a photodump from the week?

Do you like snacking?

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