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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Fashion Inspiration: Hercules

So I've kind of figured out in what direction I'm going with the blog by now and kind of what I like to write about. It's primarily a review blog, so I try to review new foods here often and aim for at least three reviews a week.

Oh, and I like to do giveaways fairly regularly, like the Kur Delights international giveaway that I'm running right now!

I 'm trying to make this a go-to source for handy, helpful food reviews, so if you have any feedback of things that would make my reviews more helpful to you, or the organization of my review database more transparent, please let me know!

You can either leave a  comment here or shoot me an email at livinglearningeating AT gmail DOT com. And let me know if there's anything you want to see reviewed!

Anyway, here's what my blog schedule (loosely) looks like. On Monday, Thursday, and Saturday I do reviews. Sunday is Sunday Steals and sometimes a review or a giveaway, too. Friday is Friday Foodie Finds (awesome recipes from around the blogosphere), Wednesday is What I Ate Wednesday, and Tuesday is Trendy Tuesday. And Thursdays, though they're not really a set thing, have become a day for random posts or, most often, fashion inspiration posts. Like today's Disney fashion inspiration post.

It's only fitting that I'm posting about fashion today, after all, as today is my first show in Boston Fashion Week!

It's also the day that my first paper of the term is due, but that's not really related. Other than to say that I'm busy!

I'm walking in three shows this week, but for tonight's show I have to wear 6.5" heels.

Me + Heels =

Please pray for me guys! Or send me happy vibes or whatever. Let's just hope this doesn't end in a KASPLAT.

Face your fears every day, right? Haha.

Okay, back to the point of this post - my Thursday fashion inspiration!

Hercules was never my favorite Disney movie, though it certainly had its strengths and awesome dance numbers.

It's still hard to believe that I haven't done a Hercules Disney fashion inspiration post yet, however, because Megara was certainly one of the more fashionable Disney characters of my youth!

So let's not waste any more time. Here's my Megara-inspired look! As always, it is NOT meant to directly mimic her outfit in the movie.

Also, in order to keep the look relatively budget-friendly, no individual piece costs more than $50.

Megara (Hercules) Inspired Look

Cut out dress

ASOS ankle wrap sandals
$46 -

Long earrings
$7.50 -

Oasis jewelry
$30 -

Lip stick
$21 -

Beauty product

RGB red nail polish
$16 -

Without the makeup, the outfits costs $118.50. With the make up (lipstick, nail polish, and eyeliner) it costs $165.45.

Which Disney character do you think had a great sense of style?

Is there any food/drink that you want me to review?

Have you ever been to a fashion show?

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