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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Trendy Tuesday #5 and a Dairy-Free Pudding!

Ever see something really yummy looking on Instagram, without adequate explanation for recreation?

Yup, I'm so guilty of doing that. And you'll have to keep reading (past all my fun fashion blah-blah-blah) to get to what it is! But the stick-to-it-ness pay off - with another GIVEAWAY!!!

As you may know, I don't put much stock in what the calendar decides are the set dates for each season.

I go with what my gut tells me - and just like my gut tells me that December 1 marks the beginning of winter, it also tells me that whenever school starts back up for the fall semester is when fall starts. So welcome to fall, y'all!

That said, I've decided that this week's Trendy Tuesday theme would be very fall-ish looks. Here are some ladies with some great looks!

Fanny In Paris

Christina's Gone Dotty

I love her outfit!

TSFOML Brings Autumn to Work

               Julie Stays Warm


Okay, now for what was in that yummy bowl!

Soyummi dark chocolate pudding with a dollops of peanut butter, a liberal sprinkling of golden flax seeds, cacao nibs, and frozen blackberries.

So what's Soyummi, you ask?

It's a minimally-processed line of non-dairy puddings that are full of healthy things, like fiber-rich soy beans, and free of unhealthy ones, like trans fats and high fructose corn syrup. Oh, and (unlike the Jello brand) they know how to make yummy puddings without food coloring.

My stomach + food coloring = unhappiness. Speaking of stomach-friendliness, these are also gluten free. Dairy-free, gluten-free, and food-coloring free, they're pretty GI friendly!

The nutritional stats are pretty darn solid for a light snack, or part of a light snack, and a pack comes with four pudding cups - perfect for quick and convenient snacking on the go.

The dark chocolate pudding (they also have tapioca, rice, cherry, and lime puddings, though availability of the various flavors varies from store to store - I could only find the dark chocolate one at my local supermarket) is a rich dark brown color, even without food coloring.

The texture is a little different than you're standard pudding - as this relies on gums for thickening, the consistency ends up being a bit like a mix between gelatin and pudding, so less creamy than your standard dairy pudding.

The flavor is also not quite like that of ordinary pudding - it's not as sweet (which I liked) and there's a slight soy taste under the chocolate, though it's only noticeable if you pay really close attention.

I actually preferred Soyummi to standard pudding, though, because I'm not a big ordinary pudding fan and I liked how I could dress this up with toppings for something a little more substantial than your standard cup of super-sweet pudding.

For my busy lifestyle as a student, writer, actress, and sometimes-model, this is a better option! It's tasty, convenient, and healthy- a recipe for a keeper, in my books! While I'm still not the hugest pudding fan, so these won't be on my daily rotation, they are a great snack to mix things up.

Since today is officially my first day of classes for the semester (which is why any of you who happen to live in the Harvard Square area have probably been seeing more frazzled students than usual) the start of a brand new fall month, I figure we ought to celebrate with a giveaway! Soyummi has generously offered to send some of their dairy-free puddings to one lucky reader in the continental USA.

Enter through Rafflecopter, below - you have until next Tuesday, September 11, to do so! Good luck :)

                                                            a Rafflecopter giveaway

Oh, and don't forget to enter my Super Saver Siggi's Giveaway and my Gardein Giveaway, too!

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